Eating too much salt is easy to get high blood pressure. What is the daily salt intake of normal people?

China is a country with relatively high salt intake. Eating too much salt is easy to cause hypertension, and many hypertensive patients belong to salt-sensitive hypertensive patients. So, what is the normal daily salt intake?

The World Health Organization recommends that the daily salt intake of the general healthy population is 6-8 grams, but the dietary guidelines in China suggest that the daily salt intake of each person should be less than 6 grams. In the past, we caused many diseases because of lack of salt. Now we have salt. Therefore, if you eat too much, you will have three highs, and the result of three highs is like this. So it is ok to eat less, and try not to eat more, there will be many problems in the future.

When buying salt, choose to buy low sodium salt. The sodium content of low sodium salt is about one-third less than that of ordinary salt, and the sodium chloride in it is salty, which can not only ensure the taste, but also reduce the sodium intake, which can alleviate the problem to some extent. Many of our current diseases are caused by eating. Why didn't we have these problems before the reform and opening up? Some people think I went back in time. What I want to express is to eat less.

Another way is to put salt in the pot. Salt doesn't go deep into food, but covers the surface, and you can still taste salty on your tongue, which is enough. After all, all we eat is salty taste. Sometimes, why eat too much salt? This is because we put salt in the dish first, not just on the surface. Don't you think so? So, what you should pay attention to is, put less salt.

Salt, eat as little as possible; Put as little salt as possible. What do you think is the harm of eating less salt? Do you eat much salt?