It is reported that dental floss can reduce plaque accumulation in arteries and prolong life span by more than 6.4 years. Put a bowl in the bathroom and buy a big bag of green crown flowers. Using it twice a day (in less than 30 seconds) may really save your life.
Meditate for 3 minutes
That's it. You don't need to spend 20 minutes or even 10 minutes (although that is definitely better). Just practice sitting down every day and spend 3 minutes on your body. This will greatly reduce anxiety and depression, and usually make you a happier and healthier person.
3. Drink a cup of coffee and a cup of green tea
Both coffee and tea are good for you (as long as they are moderate). If you don't drink a cup, I suggest a cup of coffee (after 10 am, you don't add too much cortisol to the system) and a cup of tea (after 1 am but before 4pm) to stimulate and enjoy these antioxidants.
Drink 12 ounces of lemon and Himalayan salt first thing in the morning.
When you wake up, your body has not drunk water for 7- 10 hours. But more importantly, it is extremely low in trace minerals and electrolytes. In order to solve these two problems, drink a large glass of lemonade and a teaspoon of Himalayan salt first thing in the morning. Just 20 seconds, and you'll feel good.
5. weigh yourself every morning
It measures management. If you weigh yourself every day, you will subconsciously pay attention to your weight and general health. This small change has been proved to help people stick to their diet, fight their sugar cravings, and usually make healthier lifestyle decisions. When you finish your morning "work", jump on the weighing scale and weigh yourself naked. This is a small action, but it can bring great effect.
6. Turn the shower to "cold water" for 30 seconds.
30 seconds of deliberate discomfort will help you increase your resilience and strength. 15 minutes without crazy ice bath. Take a bath as usual and sit in cold water for 30 seconds. I promise, you will feel good!
7. Listen to audio books instead of music while driving.
Turn your car into an all-round university. You'll be caught in a traffic jam anyway. So, why not replace Taylor Swift's songs that you have been listening to for months with an audio book that teaches you how to change your life? Don't need time and energy. This is just a conscious decision to give priority to education rather than entertainment.
8. Turn off mobile phone notification
Look at the phone if you want. But don't let yourself be distracted by other people's plans. Our smartphones are designed to be addictive. They will drive dopamine, destroy your concentration and make it difficult for you to complete in-depth work. Smart phones are amazing and greatly improve your quality of life. But make sure you are the owner of this relationship.
9. Watch 10 minute comedy every morning.
Laughter is the best medicine for the soul. Turn on YouTube every morning and watch something that will make you laugh 10 minutes. It seems like a waste of time, but I promise it will help you start your day with a positive mood.