Physical activity coefficient table

Normal people consume 1200 kilocalories a day, which is 4. 186 kilojoules.

Heat conversion formula: 1 kcal = 1 kcal = 1000 kcal = 1000 kcal =4 186 joules =4. 186 kilojoules.

Daily calorie requirement of adults = basic calorie required by basic metabolism of human body+? Heat required for physical activity+heat required for digesting food.

Heat required for digesting food = 10% x (minimum heat required for basic metabolism of human body+heat required for physical activity)

Daily caloric requirement of adults = 1. 1 x (minimum basal caloric requirement for basic metabolism of human body+caloric requirement for physical activity).

Thermal analysis:

1. If "physical activity calorie equivalent" is marked on the food packaging, it will help people to know how many calories the food contains, so as to decide whether it is "worth" eating a certain food. For example, a can of carbonated drinks contains 138 calories, and it takes 26 minutes or 13 minutes to completely consume it; A bag of potato chips contains 17 1 calorie. It takes 3 1 minute to walk and 16 minutes to spend.

A piece of milk chocolate contains 229 calories. It takes 42 minutes to walk or run.

2. Burning more calories than taking in calories does not mean being thin. This doesn't mean that if you eat more calories than you eat, you can lose weight. The most correct thing is that the calorie intake is greater than the calorie intake, but the calorie intake must also be greater than the basal metabolism. If the calorie intake is lower than the basal metabolism, it is difficult to lose weight even if it is difficult to maintain basic survival.

Refer to the above content: People's Daily Online-Labeling calories and exercise is helpful for people to eat healthily.