Standard of healthy figure for boys

Formula for calculating male standard figure:

Ideal weight (kg) = [height (cm)-150]×0.6+50 (good)

Calculation of obesity: obesity (%) = (actual weight-standard weight) standard weight ×% ideal weight (kg)=[ height (cm)- 150]×0.6+60 (male)

Standard body calculation formula

The ideal weight of adults in the north (kg)= {height (cm)-150}×0.6+50.

The ideal adult weight in South China (kg)= {height (cm)-150}×0.6+48.

Just do the math!

Body mass index = weight ÷ height ㎡. Body mass index of 25 ~ 29 is overweight, and over 30 is obese.

Among them, the body mass index of 30 ~ 34.9 is obese.

A body mass index of 35-39.9 is the second type of obesity.

Over 40 is the third type of obesity.

Standard figure

1. Weight and height-1 12cm

2. bust height X0.52

3. Waist circumference and height X0.37

4. Abdominal circumference height X0.457

5. Hip circumference height X0.542

6. Leg circumference height X0.26+7.8

(subject to height 160CM)

Upper arm girth X 15%

Chest circumference height X53%

Waist circumference and height X43%

Waist circumference = hip circumference /3

Perfect body index (body mass index) = weight (kg)/height (m) squared.

For example, height 175cm and weight 60kg, then body mass index =60/ 1.75X 1.75= (about) 19.59.

20-25 normal, obese over 25 years old and obese over 30 years old.

Body mass index method

Body mass index = weight (kg) divided by the square kg/m2 of height (m).

Normal weight: body mass index = 18-25.

Overweight: body mass index = 25-30.

Mild obesity: body mass index >; 30

Moderate obesity: body mass index >; 35

Severe obesity: body mass index >; 40