Children are prone to malnutrition, how to supplement nutrition?

First of all, we should remove the cause and actively treat the primary disease to improve the secondary malnutrition. Correct digestive tract malformation; Solve the problem of milk protein allergy and treat diarrhea; Anemia and other consumption

Sexual diseases. Secondly, parents' nutrition education will set an example for children not to be picky about food by intervening in dietary behavior; Breastfeeding is more comprehensive in nutrition; Correct bad eating habits such as picky eaters, partial eclipse and anorexia.

Because. Some full-nutrition formula powders can be selected as nutritional supplements. For example, Nestle Little Diet, this kind of formula powder contains higher energy and special ingredients that are easier to digest and absorb to help the baby.

Catch up with height and weight. The ratio of whey protein to casein in Jony J's diet is 1: 1, which is closer to the level of breast milk. Adding 18% medium-chain triglycerides can be directly absorbed by intestinal mucosa. Lighten the interior

At the same time, the dirty burden is easier to be digested and utilized, ensuring the energy supply for children who eat little.