Jl healthy English



Noun (short for noun)

(1) sound, pronunciation, pronunciation ability, opinion, discourse right, [grammar] pronunciation

transitive verb

(2) Express, confide

Modern English-Chinese comprehensive dictionary

[Basic meaning]



Noun (short for noun)

(1) voice; Voice; (birds, insects) singing; sound

(2) (publicly expressed) opinions; Desire; The right to speak; Voting rights; right of participation

(3) expression; Reveal; Spokesman, spokesman

(4) phonetic transcription; There is sound; Vocal cord vibration

(5) audio department; Throat application; The ability to sing; singer

shout oneself hoarse


/kloc-chorus of 0/00 voices

Hundred-member choir

[Part of speech change]



transitive verb

(1) (expressed in language); reveal

(2) Tone adjustment; Make a sound.

He spoke the voice of the masses.

He expressed the feelings of the public.

[Inheritance usage]

audio frequency

Noun (short for noun)

(1) Tone frequency, audio; Telephone frequency

Voice recording

Noun (short for noun)

(1) Recording telephone

offscreen voice

Noun (short for noun)

(1) Voice-over (TV, etc.) (Interpreter's explanation)



Noun (short for noun)

(1) voiceprint (instrument record)


Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)


Noun (short for noun)


Voice (good)

(1) Good voice

Find your own voice

(1) (after being too scared to speak) Go on.

Speak for ...

(1) Yes

Allow (a certain emotion, opinion or opinion) to be expressed.

Speak, express, confide

Have a say [no say] in sth.

Have [have no] say in sth.

In a low voice

(1) whisper (whisper)

The voice is not good.

(1) Bad sound

In my voice.

(1) In my name (Shakespeare)

Raise your voice

(1) Speak loudly, shout loudly.

burst out

I lost my voice.

Lower your voice.

(1) Whisper.

Speak out against sth.

Protest loudly against sth.

Restore voice

(1) Go ahead.

A mellow voice

(1) Loud and soft voice

Speak in a low voice

(1) whispered

Lengthening sound

(1) Yelling at your throat; Shout at the top of one's lungs

Public voice

(1) public opinion

A still faint voice

(1) The voice of conscience

One person's voice does not represent anyone's voice.

(1) A person's opinion has no influence.

With one voice

(1) same voice; conformably

The voice in the wilderness

(1) the sound in the wilderness; The ideas of neglected reformers.

[Special usage]

Main dynamic

(1) Activity Status

Amphoteric voice

(1) medical sound

Artificial sound

(1) Analog sound

Digitally encoded sound

(1) Self-digitally encoded sound


(1) dubbing

female voice

(1) female voice

An inactive voice

(1) Non-main dynamic

Interrupt voice

(1) Interrupted voice (voice inserted by inserter for explanation)

male voice

(1) male voice

Intermediate sound

(1) medium (dynamic) state

passive voice

(1) passive voice

Reflected sound

(1) Reflexive voice

A crisp voice

(1) Loud voice, ring the bell

Secure voice

(1) secure voice

Modern English-Chinese dictionary

[Basic meaning]



Noun (short for noun)

(1) sound; sing


shout oneself hoarse

A loud voice

loud voice

"Mr harms Voss," I said in a weak voice.

Mr harms Voss,' I whispered.

(2) the right to speak; throat

I lost my voice.

I lost my voice.

(3) opinions; right to speak

(4) Singing voice

Good voice

Good voice

(5) Sound

The voice of reason

The voice of reason

(6) Grammatical pronunciation

[Part of speech change]


transitive verb


(1) release; tell

(2) voiced

However, since then, people at home and abroad have expressed different opinions on this.

However, since then, people at home and abroad have been expressing different views on this policy.


shout oneself hoarse

(1) loudly

Raise your voice

(1) Raise your voice; Make a hullabaloo about (to sb). )

With one voice

(1) same voice; conformably



Noun (short for noun)

(1) noisy, noisy, noisy

English-Chinese bilingual computer dictionary

[Basic meaning]


Noise; [Noise]

(1) 1. An interference that affects the signal, which may distort the information carried by the signal.

An interference that affects the signal and distorts the information in the signal. 2. Random changes in one or more characteristics of any entity (such as voltage, current or data). Random variation of one or more characteristics of any entity, such as voltage, current or data. 3. Random signals with known statistical characteristics of amplitude, distribution and spectral density | Random signals with known statistical characteristics of amplitude, distribution and spectral density. 4. Generally refers to the interference that interferes with the normal operation of equipment or system. ? | Generalized? Generally speaking, any interference that interferes with the normal operation of equipment or system? Move it. ?

Modern English-Chinese comprehensive dictionary

[Basic meaning]



Noun (short for noun)

(1) noisy, noisy, noisy

(2) sound, sound

(3) harassment and commotion; quarrel

(4)[ ancient] rumors

(5) Electrical noise [wave] and interference; "Invalid" (in literature retrieval)

Urban noise

Urban noise

noise pollution

noise pollution

noise suppressor/silencer

noise suppressor/silencer

The rubbing sound of needles on records

Voiceprint noise (on a record)

Be quiet!

Don't make noise!

Be quiet!

Be quiet!

Did you hear something just now?

Did you just hear something?

[Part of speech change]



transitive verb

(1) rumor

it is said ...

Outside rumors ...



intransitive verb

(1) Speak loudly; Talk [discuss] openly.

(2) Noisy, noisy

[Inheritance usage]


Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

(1) noise


Noun (short for noun) adj

(1) anti-noise (of), anti-interference (of)

noise clipper/killer/limiter/damper

Noun (short for noun)

(1) Noise suppressor [cleaner, absorber], muffler

Noise maker

Noun (short for noun)

(1) Noisy person [object]

Metal noise

Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

(1) metal conductor noise


Noun (short for noun)

(1) noise (measurement, level) table, noise meter, noise measuring instrument.

Noise modulated

Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

(1) noise modulation

Noise modulation

Noun (short for noun)

(1) noise modulation

Noise prevention


Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

(1) Noise resistance, sound insulation and noise resistance

Noise stop

Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

(1) Anti-noise



Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

(1) noisy [noisy]



Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

(1) Silent, still; No noise, no interference



(1) quietly, gently


Noun (short for noun)


Huge noise

(1) sensational facts [statements]

(2) influential people; Powerful people

(3) blockbuster

(4) Warden

(5) The most acclaimed film [drama]

Big noise

(1) sensational facts [statements]

(2) influential people; Powerful people

(3) blockbuster

(4) Warden

(5) The most acclaimed film [drama]

Very noisy

(1) People who talk a lot; A braggart, a talker

That noise is really loud!

(1) Shut up!

Galactic noise

(1) galactic (galactic radio) noise, electric waves from the Milky Way.

Don't make a noise.

(1) Shut up; Quiet, keep silent.


(1) Noisy (about something); Be the object of discussion or attention, cause a sensation.

Make a noise about sth.

(1) Noisy (about something); Be the object of discussion or attention, cause a sensation.

make noise

(1) expressed in words; Express one's opinion about ... orally (usually before modifiers)

The noise is like this ...

(1) [archaic] There is a saying, a biography, and a biography.

No noise

Quietly, quietly

Foreign noise

(1) Spread out


(1) Spread out

Noise turn

(1) Spread out

[Special usage]


(1) noise

Airborne noise

(1) airborne noise

Folding noise

(1) folding noise

environmental noise

(1) Environmental noise

Amplitude noise

(1) amplitude noise

atmospheric noise

(1) Tiandian [atmospheric] noise

background noise

(1) background noise

Brightness noise

(1) brightness clutter interference

Broadband stationary noise

(1) broadband steady-state noise [clutter]

Bubble noise

(1) Bubble noise (caused by electro-hydraulic bubbles in the battery)

Volume noise

(1) current noise

Busy crosstalk noise

(1) Busy time series noise

Click noise

(1) "click"

Clipping noise

(1) Noise voltage after rectification (or wave elimination), wave elimination noise

clutter noise

(1) clutter noise

city noise

(1) Urban noise

commutator noise

(1) Commutator noise

Crowd noise

(1) hall [noise]

Degaussing noise

(1) degaussing noise

distortion noise

(1) distortion noise

Emission noise

(1) Emission noise


(1) Vibration noise

Ear noise

(1) Tinnitus

Engineering noise

(1) "Invalid" (due to coding error)

Irregular noise

(1) random noise

Escaping noise

(1) escapement sound

Fast interface state capture noise

(1) Fast Interface State Capture Noise

Fine particle noise

(1) Micro-fluctuation noise

white noise

(1) white noise; Fluctuating noise of spectrum average energy distribution

Flat channel noise

Fluctuating noise with flat amplitude and frequency (1)

shot noise

(1) fluctuating noise

Total shot noise

(1) Total shot noise

Galactic noise

(1) galaxy (galaxy radio) noise

Gas noise

Noise source of (1) white noise

Generator noise

(1) oscillator noise

granularity noise

(1) particle noise

Grid intercepts noise

(1) Power grid current distribution fluctuation noise and power grid interception noise

High-pitched sharp noise

(1) Sharp screams

Whistling noise

(1) howl


(1) communication sound

Hydrodynamic noise

(1) Flow noise

impact noise

(1) Collision noise

Induced noise

(1) Intake noise

Inherent noise

(1) inherent noise

Jansky noise

(1) Cosmic noise

Perceived noise

(1) Minimum distinguishable noise [clutter]

It's just tolerable noise

(1) Maximum allowable noise [clutter]

Local oscillator noise

(1) local (machine) vibration (oscillator) noise

Ocean noise

(1) Ocean noise

Trembling noise

(1) trill noise, noise caused by microphone effect.

Residual noise

(1) residual noise

Oscillator noise

(1) (local) oscillator noise

spurious noise

(1) parasitic noise

Distribution noise

(1) (Current) Distributed Noise

Spike noise

(1) peak fluctuation noise

Peak and flat noise

(1) Impulse and Flat Noise

Photovoltaic noise

(1) Photocell noise and photocurrent fluctuation noise

Trembling noise

(1) trill noise, microphone effect noise; "Trembling noise" effect

Precipitation noise

(1) electronic rain and snow noise

pseudo noise

(1) pseudo-random noise

Recurrent noise

(1) Repeated noise [clutter]

Corrugated voltage noise

(1) ripple voltage [power supply pulsation] noise

Rounding noise

(1) rounding noise

Scratch noise

(1) stylus noise

Scratching noise

(1) scraping sound

Semantic noise

(1) "Invalid" (caused by imperfect topic list and thesaurus)

Sky noise

(1) sky noise

Solar radio noise

(1) solar radio noise

Solid propagation noise

(1) solid load noise

Spatial noise

(1) spatial noise

spurious noise

(1) parasitic noise

Stationary ergodic noise

(1) stationary ergodic noise

Stray noise

(1) noise

The rubbing sound of needles on records

(1) (stylus) scratch noise, (recording) scratch noise

Top noise

(1) Maximum local noise

Transient noise

(1) transient noise

Triangular noise

(1) triangular wave noise

Unlocking noise

(1) release tone

Unweighted noise

(1) unweighted noise

Electron tube noise

(1) Electron tube noise

Weighted noise

(1) weighted noise

white noise

(1) white noise

Laser noise

(1) laser noise


The meaning is related to "sound".

(1) Noise is a common word, which means "any loud and unpleasant noise", such as:

There is noise downstairs.

There is noise downstairs.

Din means "deafening noise", such as:

Machine noise

The deafening sound of the machine.

(3) Upgrade refers to "hubbub", especially "people shouting loudly", such as:

His words caused a stir in the audience.

His speech made the audience boil.

(4) Shouting refers to "continuous loud noise", especially "shouting to express anger, support or protest", such as:

The clamour of some angry young people

The shouts of some angry young people.

(5) hubbub refers to "noise" and "murmur", such as:

The noise of the subway station

The noise of the subway station.

(6) Racket refers to "many unpleasant sounds mixed together", such as:

It's too noisy there.

How noisy there is!

Quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet.

Modern English-Chinese dictionary

[Basic meaning]



Noun (short for noun)

(1) sound; Noise; Noisy noise (in public places); hinder

(2) noise; Abnormal sound

What happened to my car? The engine is making strange noises.

What happened to my car? The engine is making strange noises.

[Part of speech change]


transitive verb

Noise, noise

(1) (used with about, foreign, around) rumors; Rumors; disclose



Noun (short for noun)

(1) Sound, Pronunciation, Noise, Noisy, Strait, Listening Range, Vocal Bar

Adjective (abbreviation for adjective)

(2) Sound, reliable, reasonable, effective, thorough and healthy.


(3) Thorough and sufficient

intransitive verb

(4) Sound, echo, detection, sound

transitive verb

Make a sound, announce, auscultate, measure ... go deep, probe.

Modern English-Chinese comprehensive dictionary

[Basic meaning]



transitive verb

(1) Measure, detect and hammer.

(2) Out

(3) medical probe examination (urethra, etc. )

Test sb. Views on a problem

Test sb. Views on a problem

[Part of speech change]



intransitive verb

(1) detection and detection

(2) Testing and investigation

(3) (whales, etc. ) suddenly dive into the bottom of the sea

Noun (short for noun)

(4) Medical bougie [needle]


sound out sb's opinions

(1) Get to know (other people's opinions)

Modern English-Chinese dictionary

[Basic meaning]

Sound 1


Noun (short for noun)

(1) sound, sound

The sound of birds singing

The sound of birds singing

(2) impression (produced by the sound of words or languages), feeling

[Part of speech change]