Does Shi Shengtong have to add the child's physical code every time he looks at the green code?
Under the QR code that the child has successfully applied for, there are several green circular options. You can add parental information by applying for the circular one. Before applying for health codes for family and friends, you need to confirm that your account has been authenticated by real name, and then users with real name authentication can apply for health codes for themselves and others. If the name is displayed at the top of my app page, it means that we have completed the real-name authentication. If not, right-click the screen after real-name authentication, and click the health password to enter the page of using health password. After selecting Generate Health Password, click Fill in to enter the page of binding other user information, and click the plus sign to enter Add Fill in information. You can bind up to three users, and enter the identity information of the user who needs to apply for a health code and our relationship with him. After successfully binding the residential address, the binding user will choose to generate a health password on the member display page.