When Apple's 6splus started charging, the black screen suddenly collapsed, showing a data cable, an arrow and a dead battery box. Why hasn't it been started?

Maybe it's because Taikang's mobile phone crashed. It can be solved by the following methods.

The solution of Apple's mobile phone crash;

Method 1: Open the background multitasking management interface and close the stuck software.

1. Press the Home button of the home screen twice in a row to open the background manager, and you can see the currently opened applications in the background, as shown in the figure;

2. For example, if the current health application is stuck, you can drag it up from the background to close the application from the background.

Method 2: forcibly restart the phone to solve the problem.

1. If you encounter serious crash symptoms and can't open the multitasking management background, you can try to press the power button. If there is no response, please press the power button to see if the phone will respond. ?

2. If all the above methods fail, you can also try to hold down the electric pump +Home button at the same time. Press and hold these two buttons at the same time to force the iPhone to restart.

3. If the crash is not serious, later you will see that the screen goes out and a white Apple icon appears, indicating that the current iPhone has been forced to restart. ?

4. If the above forced restart doesn't work, please connect the power charger to the iPhone, and then press the power +Home button at the same time, which can solve the very reborn crash symptoms.