1. transparent: the urine is completely transparent, usually just after drinking water, or it may be that the cat's diet is high in water intake.
2. Pale yellow: This is the normal urine color. This color indicates that the cat's kidneys and urinary system are working normally.
3. Amber: It is slightly darker than light yellow and is still considered as a normal color. If cats eat too much protein in their diet, they may have this color.
4. Orange: Orange urine may indicate that the cat is short of water or suffers from certain diseases, such as liver disease.
5. Red: Urine mixed with a certain amount of blood is often red or brown, and there will be some other symptoms, such as frequent urination or dysuria. This requires immediate medical attention.
6. White: White urine usually appears in cats with urinary tract infections. At the same time, it will be accompanied by symptoms such as pain in urination.
In short, pet owners should always pay attention to the color of pet urine, find abnormal situations in time, and it is necessary to contact the veterinarian in time for diagnosis and treatment.