First, an overview of related concepts of test sites
1. Mental diseases include: schizophrenia, depression, alcohol dependence, Alzheimer's disease, etc.
2. Research purpose of psychiatry: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, development law, treatment and prevention of various mental diseases.
3. The content of mental health research: prevention and treatment of various mental diseases, discussion on maintaining people's psychology, and reduction and prevention of various psychological and behavioral problems.
4. The main research contents of psychoepidemiology: behavior and mental health, social psychological factors and mental health.
5. Commonly used research methods of psychoepidemiology: cross-sectional study, cohort study, case-control study and experimental study.
6. Measurement methods of psychoepidemiology: self-rated questionnaire survey, semi-fixed examination, fixed examination or the combined use of various tools.
7. High-risk groups of mental illness: children and adolescents, women, the elderly, affected people, unemployed people, divorced new immigrants, etc.
Two. Overview of main research contents
1. Behavior refers to the reaction or activity made by people or animals to adapt to the environment, which is the external expression of brain function or internal psychological needs.
2. Human behavior can be divided into personal behavior and social behavior.
3. Health-related behaviors include healthy behaviors and unhealthy behaviors.
4. Health behaviors are divided into daily health behaviors, health care behaviors, self-defense behaviors, avoiding environmental risks, removing bad habits, seeking medical treatment, compliance and patient role behaviors.
5. Unhealthy behaviors are also called self-destructive behaviors, including daily behaviors that endanger health, pathogenic behaviors, bad living habits, and bad disease behaviors.
6. Characteristics of social psychological observation and research: continuity, repetition and concealment.
7. Experimental research methods of social psychology: laboratory research, field experiment and simulation experiment.
Three. Overview of research methods and evaluation test sites
Evaluation method of 1. measurement scale: reliability and validity.
2. Reliability refers to the reliability or repeatability of measurement. The evaluation of reliability can be realized from the consistency within the scale, the consistency of retest and the consistency of measurement by different evaluators.
3. Validity refers to the validity or accuracy of measuring tools. Validity can be evaluated by content validity, standard validity, conceptual validity, face validity and procedural validity.
1. Which of the following does not belong to mental illness ()
A. Depression
B. Menstrual syndrome
C. Schizophrenia
D. Alzheimer's disease
1. Reference answer B. Analysis: Mental illness includes: schizophrenia, depression, alcohol dependence, Alzheimer's disease, etc. Menstrual syndrome belongs to psychosomatic diseases.