This situation may indicate that you have some psychological unhealthy problems, such as lack of self-confidence, emotional irritability or high self-evaluation. These problems may lead to your emotional overreaction in the face of challenges or different opinions, thus affecting your personal and social life.
If you find yourself with poor emotional control or psychological problems, you can consider taking the following measures:
Recognize the problem. Realizing that you have emotional control problems or psychological problems is the first step to change. Understand your emotional reaction and find out the root cause of this reaction.
Ask for help. If you feel that you can't control your emotions or have psychological problems, you can seek professional help. Counselors or psychologists can help you identify and solve problems and improve your mental health.
Learn emotional management skills. Knowing and practicing some emotional management skills, such as deep breathing, meditation and relaxation, can help you control your emotions better and avoid emotional overreaction.
Accept different views. Learning to accept different viewpoints and opinions and respect others' opinions will also make you more open and inclusive.
Finally, by knowing your emotional reaction and seeking professional help, you can control your emotions and reduce emotional overreaction, thus improving the quality of personal and social life.