What junk food is suitable for children?

Children, like saplings, thrive. Junk food is equivalent to pests and diseases, which poses a fatal threat to the growth of saplings. The problem of childhood obesity was not common in our childhood, but now it is everywhere. The reason is that children eat too much junk food, which has done great harm to their growth. Junk food refers to burnt, high-oil, high-salt and high-sugar food, which provides food that exceeds the needs of the human body and becomes redundant components of the human body. Especially potato chips and fried skewers, which are all over the street and meaningless. Eating too much is not good, not to mention unhealthy diet, which has many side effects, such as cancer, hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia.

It can be seen from the mouth that our eating habits have a great influence on our health, so it actually answers your question well. As parents, we should strictly control the food that is bad for our children. Good eating habits will set the right direction for our children. Roast sausage. I didn't understand it before. I think sausage is delicious, and it's only one yuan, which is really good and cheap. But with the increase of knowledge, I found that it was not good meat at all. It is impossible for meat to be so expensive and intestines so cheap.

In fact, not only parents know the harm of junk food now, but many children also know that junk food is harmful to their health after its popularization, so sometimes they will choose not to buy it themselves as long as they make it clear that these junk foods are harmful to their health. My child is like this, because I often tell her about the dangers of junk food.

Meals and snacks have always been considered junk food. In addition to high oil content and high salt content, even eating is mainly nutrition. But it turns out that junk food has no nutrition and can cause allergies. Dr Paul Lionetti of the University of Florence compared the intestinal bacteria of children in different places. Let your child experience the process of making food personally, let him know what kind of seasoning is good or bad for his health, and what will happen to his health, so that he can really understand why you don't want him to eat these things that are bad for his health.