For yellow code personnel, travel is restricted, and they cannot leave hotels, shopping malls, supermarkets, stations, airports, cinemas, KTV, bars and other public places, as well as schools, various prisons, nursing homes, welfare homes and other special places, and adhere to the principle of not going out unless necessary.
A yellow code appears.
1. People who report their symptoms: fever, shortness of breath and respiratory symptoms.
2. Persons within/0/4 days after the confirmed cases are cured, persons within/0/4 days after the asymptomatic infected persons are released from isolation, and persons within/0/4 days after the suspected cases are excluded.
3. Close contacts who have been released from medical observation isolation, people who have lived in high-risk areas, etc. They must be monitored for family health.
4. Key risk monitoring personnel determined by relevant departments.
5. Staying in a certain range with confirmed cases or asymptomatic infected people for more than 10 minutes, and staying in this area for more than 30 hours in the last 14 days, indicating that there is a high risk of infection, and will also be given a yellow code.