The activities of Yin and Yang in people's daily life should adapt to the changes of Yin and Yang in nature. Nature is sunny during the day and cloudy at night, so people should arrange their work and rest according to the law of "sunrise and sunset", so as to keep the balance of yin and yang and make full use of the time of the day. I advocate sleeping at noon. Why should I sleep at noon? What is this? Meridian sleep means sleeping at noon and taking a nap at noon. Midnight refers to the meeting of Yin and Yang at night from 23: 00 to 1: 00. When Chinese medicine calls it yin-closing, everyone lies down. At this time they fell asleep, and the effect was the best. If you stay up late or suffer from insomnia when you are young, the kidney water will be deficient, and the lack of water will lead to excessive internal heat, which is the most likely to hurt your mind.
Therefore, no matter what happens, you must sleep when you are young. The human body needs to be adjusted from 12 to 1, from 1 to 2, from 2 to 3, from 3 to 4, from 4 to 5 and from 5 to 6. This rule must be grasped well to ensure that your body gets a more comprehensive rest. At noon, that is, from 1 1 to 1, we should take a nap at this time. If conditions do not permit, you can sit still for a quarter of an hour and close your eyes. This can not only ensure the energy in the afternoon, but also enhance the vitality in the body and make the heart healthy, without symptoms such as heartbeat, diarrhea and frequent urination.
As far as seasons are concerned, everything grows vigorously in spring and March, and the world is full of vitality. Therefore, people should go to bed late and get up early, not later than 23 o'clock in the evening and not earlier than 5 o'clock in the morning, and do some outdoor activities after getting up in the morning to adapt to the lively vitality generated in spring. The weather in Xia San is getting hot and humid, the plants are flourishing, and the days are getting longer and longer. You should go to bed late and get up early to vent your emotions. In autumn and March, the vegetation matures, the weather becomes dry, the atmosphere is clear, and the whiteness is shorter than that in summer. At this time, you should go to bed early and get up early. At the same time, the will should be stable and peaceful, and the spirit should be kept inside to adapt to the characteristics of autumn convergence; It's freezing in winter and March, everything is hidden and closed to rest. Be careful not to engage in strenuous activities at this time, so as not to disturb the spirit of the sun. Go to bed early and get up late, be sure to wait until the sun comes out, and avoid cold and overheating and sweating. Everything should conform to nature, not go against it.