13 1I How do you pronounce it in English?

131 me, that's it. Examples are as follows:

Objective To explore the significance of health education in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

Objective To explore the importance of health education in the treatment of hyperthyroidism.

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Antithyroid drugs may affect the curative effect of 13 1I, and the possible mechanism is that antithyroid drugs change the effective half-life and/or uptake of131i.

The mechanism that antithyroid drugs affect the curative effect of 13 1I may be that it changes the effective half-life of 13 1I and/or the thyroid uptake rate of131i.


β particle emission related to 13 1I decay not only increases the radiation dose absorbed by patients, but also reduces the quality of scintillation imaging.

Because the gamma ray energy released by iodine-13 1 is high and the imaging effect is not good, beta particles will be released, which will make the subjects absorb higher radiation dose.