Study on the healthiest running amount

According to the consistent requirements of "20 18 American Physical Activity Guidelines" and "World Health Organization Physical Activity Guidelines", the minimum exercise standard needed to keep healthy is to accumulate 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity activity every week. Walking is the most common moderate-intensity activity, while running usually belongs to the category of high-intensity activity, which means that running for 75 minutes a week is good for health. For many mature runners, 75 minutes is just the normal running amount of a run, but for most people, the total running time of 75 minutes per week is quite good.

This means running three times a week, once every other day for 20-30 minutes, about 3-4 kilometers. Total weekly running volume10-12km, and monthly running volume is 40-50km. Therefore, it should be an important goal for junior runners to gradually accumulate 75 minutes of running time every week from the combination of walking and running.

According to the requirements of American Physical Activity Guide 20 19, if you can double the recommended amount of activity, you can get an ideal state of health, because the recommended amount of activity is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of high-intensity activity per week. Then theoretically, accumulating 300 minutes of moderate-intensity activities or 150 minutes of high-intensity activities every week can get better health promotion. Running 150 minutes a week, five times for 30 minutes at a time can be achieved, but this frequency is beyond the reach of many people. You can choose to reduce the number of times and run for 50-60 minutes at a time. Actually, it's not low.

American physical activity guidelines only require the total amount of activity, which is not the most important way to achieve this goal. For example, whether a runner increases the number of runs and shortens the running time, or decreases the number of runs and prolongs the running time. In terms of health benefits, it is almost the same, but it is not recommended to exercise for a long time in order to complete running, which may easily lead to excessive fatigue.