You Gong, five generations, has extensive knowledge and good articles. You Zuo is a scholar in the Song Dynasty. The allusion "Cheng Menxue Pear" tells the story of respecting teachers and valuing Taoism.
2. Confucius respects teachers
In the spring of 52 1 BC, Confucius learned that his students had been ordered by the king of Lu to pay homage to the emperor in Luoyang, Kyoto, Zhou Dynasty. He thought it was a good opportunity to ask Laozi, the guardian of Tibetan history in the Zhou Dynasty, about "etiquette", so he agreed with Lu and went with the palace. The day after Confucius arrived in Kyoto, he went to the Tibetan History Museum on foot to visit Laozi. Lao Zi, who is writing the Tao Te Ching, heard that the world-famous Kong Qiu came to consult, so he quickly put down his knife and pencil and adjusted his clothes. Confucius saw a healthy old man coming out of the gate, thinking it was Laozi. He hurried forward and respectfully paid tribute to one of Lao Zi's disciples. After entering the hall, Confucius bowed again before sitting down. Laozi asked Confucius why he came. Confucius left his seat and replied, "I have little knowledge and know nothing about the ancient' etiquette system', so I specially asked the teacher." Seeing that Confucius was so sincere, Lao Tzu expressed his views in detail.
After returning to Lu, Confucius' students asked him to explain Laozi's knowledge. Confucius said, "I am a good teacher, knowing the past and the present, the source of rites and music, and the return of virtue." At the same time, I praise Laozi as an example. He said: "bird, I know it can fly;" Fish, I know it can swim; Beast, I know it can run. I can weave a net to catch a running beast, I can tie a swimming fish to a hook to catch it, and I can shoot a flying bird with a good arrow. As for the dragon, I can't know how it took the wind and cloud to heaven. Laozi, it's still evil! "
Emperor Han Ming respects his teacher very much.
When Emperor Liu Zhuang was a prince, Dr. Huan Rong was his teacher. Later, he succeeded to the throne and became emperor. He once went to Taichang House in person, sat in the east of Huanrong, set up a few sticks, and listened to the teacher's instructions as he did in the past. He also called hundreds of North Korean officials and students taught by Huan Rong to the Taichang Hall to pay tribute to his disciples. When Huan Rong was ill, Ming Di sent someone to offer condolences, and even went to see the teacher himself. Every time I visit my teacher, Ming Emperor City gets off the bus as soon as he enters the street to show his respect. After entering the door, I often hold the teacher's skinny hand and cry silently for a long time. The emperor of the dynasty did this to Huan Rong, so "the assistant ministers, generals and doctors who asked for illness were afraid to come to the door by car again, and they all worshipped under the bed." After Huan Rong's death, Ming Di changed his clothes, attended the funeral in person, and made proper arrangements for his children.
4. Confusion of Confucius
Confucius led his students around the world. They were trapped on their way to Cai Guo, Chen Guohe, and didn't eat a meal for several days. Kong couldn't stand it, so he had to lie down and sleep in broad daylight to forget his hunger. Yan Hui, the great disciple of Confucius, was very sad to see the teacher hungry, and thought, how can the teacher stand such torture when he is old? Don't try to find your way, even if you are out of danger. Yan Hui had no good idea but to beg. This time, it is really endless. He met a kind old woman and gave him some white rice. Yan Hui happily took the rice back, quickly poured it into the pot, cut wood to make a fire, and soon the rice was cooked. Confucius just woke up and suddenly smelled a fragrant rice. In anger, Yan Hui was rude. The teacher didn't eat, but he ate first. After a while, Yan Hui respectfully brought a big bowl of delicious, hot white rice and said to Confucius, "Fortunately, I met a kind-hearted person who gave me rice today. Now the meal is ready, please ask the teacher to eat first. " Unexpectedly, Confucius suddenly stood up and said, "I saw my dead father in my sleep just now." No way! This meal is not clean and can't be a souvenir! " Confucius said, "Why is it unclean?" Yan Hui replied, "I accidentally dropped a piece of charcoal ash on it when I was cooking just now. I feel embarrassed. It's a pity to dump it, but I can't give the dirty rice to the teacher! Later, I caught the rice stained with charcoal ash and ate it. How can this kind of rice with charcoal ash be a souvenir? " After listening to Yan Hui's words, Confucius suddenly realized that he had cleared up his misunderstanding of Yan Hui and deeply felt that this disciple was a man of virtue.
5. Qin Shihuang worshipped Vitex negundo.
Qin Shihuang burned books to bury Confucianism, which made him notorious for a long time. However, little is known about his story of respecting teachers and valuing Taoism. It happened six years after Qin Shihuang unified China, that is, in the autumn of 2 15 BC, when he was on his fourth patrol. At that time, under the escort of civil and military officials, Qin Shihuang rode in a chariot from Jieshi to Xiandao in the northeast. With the uniform, he seems to be in sight. Although severe, it is admirable and unforgettable. Being here in Ying Zheng today, including his contribution. For the first time, the majestic old man said that Shunye gave our family a surname. He first said "death, mouth, moon, woman, everything" respectively, and then synthesized a word "win" He will recite it the next day. Despite all the difficulties, can you go forward bravely? "He said, holding up the Vitex negundo stick ... It's a pity that he hasn't seen this teacher for many years, and I heard that his old man's house has passed away. Suddenly, the bus stopped. Avant-garde played: Fairy Island is not far from here, please ride for a long time. So Qin Shihuang changed into his beloved white horse. Soon, he arrived at the island. The first emperor looked around the Bohai Sea with Wan Li in his heart, full of lofty sentiments and thoughts. When the emperor stood up, Minister Li asked him why he was going to pay homage. Qin Shihuang said affectionately, "Ladies and gentlemen, the Vitex negundo on this island is the Vitex negundo used by my teacher in Handan when I was a child. How can you not worship Vitex negundo when you see it? "Later, people called this island Qinhuangdao. Legend has it that this is the island.
6. Sean is a master
When Sean was young, he planned to assassinate the tyrant Qin Shihuang. After the failure, he hid in Xiapi to avoid being wanted by the government. One day, Sean strolled onto a bridge and met an old man in brown. When the old man saw Sean approaching, he deliberately threw his shoes under the bridge and asked Sean to get off the bridge and pick them up. Sean was very unhappy. When Sean picked them up and handed them to the old man, the old man asked him for help again. Wait for me here at dawn in five days. "Sean follow the old man's instructions. Five days later, at first light, he came to the bridge. Unexpectedly, the old man stayed there long ago. When he saw Zhang Liang, he said angrily, "It's outrageous to be late for a date with an old man. Come and see me early in five days. " Then he left. Five days later, when the cock crowed, Sean rushed to the bridge, but somehow. Sean was in a hurry. After another five days, he simply didn't sleep and waited on the bridge before midnight. After a while, the old man came and saw him nod. Jing took a book out of his sleeve and said mysteriously, "After reading this book of the King, you can be the husband of the King. After 2000, soldiers will be soldiers. "It's my incarnation." Say that finish and fly away. At dawn, Sean opened the book and saw that it was the Art of War book of King Taigong. Sean was particularly happy. Later, Sean carefully studied Sun Tzu's Art of War presented by the old man in Huangshi, and truly became a senior advisor of Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang.