How to lower the heart rate 3 ways to lower the heart rate.

Directory method 1: reduce the excessive heart rate 1 and practice deep breathing. 2. Complete Operation Valsalva. 3. Massage the carotid artery. 4. pouring ice water on your face will cause diving reaction, thus reducing your metabolism. 5. Take medicine. Method 2: Improve the heart rate 1 fundamentally, and consult the doctor about the appropriate amount of exercise. 2. Ensure adequate and good sleep. 3. Empty your bladder. 4. Take fish oil capsules. 5. control your diet. 6, often hug! Frequent hugs can lower blood pressure and raise oxytocin levels, which will help lower your heart rate. 7. Dedicate yourself to nature. Method 3: improve long-term tachycardia 1, lie down and relax. 2. Focus on imagining beautiful things. 3. Learn to meditate. Breathe slowly. Have a massage. 6. Try not to consume caffeine at ordinary times. When a person's body is in a relaxed state, the heart rate exceeds 100 times per minute, and the chance of heart disease will increase by 78%. If your heart beats too fast at rest, it may mean that you are in poor health or stressed. So if your heart rate is too fast, please read this article carefully and learn how to slow down your heart rate. Special attention: the rapid heartbeat may be pathological tachycardia caused by heart disease. In this case, you should see a doctor immediately.

Methods 1: Reduce the excessive heart rate.

1, practice deep breathing. Although it is difficult to slow down breathing, it helps to slow down the heartbeat. Inhale for 5-8 seconds, hold for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale slowly for 5-8 seconds. Exhale the exhaust gas thoroughly and slow down the heartbeat. Try 4-7-8 breathing. Count to 4 when inhaling, to 7 when holding your breath, and then to 8 when exhaling. Repeat the exercise 3 times or more.

2. Complete Operation Valsalva. This action will stimulate the vagus nerve that controls the heart rate. Valsalva's action essentials are as follows: take a deep breath and tighten your abdomen like a stool. Hold for 5 seconds, then relax. You may have to do it several times to achieve the effect. Other ways to stimulate the vagus nerve include coughing.

Put your finger in your mouth.

Lift your knees to your chest.

3. Massage the carotid artery. The carotid artery is outside the throat, near the vagus nerve. Massage the carotid artery gently with your fingers, which can stimulate peripheral nerves and slow down your heartbeat.

4. pouring ice water on your face will cause diving reaction, thus reducing your metabolism. Keep pouring ice water on your face until you feel your heart slow.

5. Take medicine. If your heart rate is often too fast, you can ask your doctor for some prescriptions to lower your heart rate. Go to the hospital and decide whether to take medicine. Beta blockers have several potential side effects, which may include dizziness, fatigue and weakness. Asthma patients should not take beta blockers.

Method 2: fundamentally increase your heart rate.

1, ask the doctor if your exercise is appropriate. We should not only do high-intensity exercise, but also gradually develop a healthy and energetic exercise style. We classify sprint, a sport that bursts energy in a short time, as intermittent training. We need to stop and rest to keep a steady breath. Compared with the usual uniform aerobic exercise, this interval training can improve the heart efficiency 10 percentage point. Gradually increase the intensity of interval exercise until your heart rate reaches the maximum value in a safe range, and then slowly calm down. Therefore, do regular intermittent exercise, such as walking, climbing stairs, climbing mountains, dancing and so on. To increase the efficiency of your heart.

Running: If you are running on a treadmill, use the interval setting. If you run on an outdoor or indoor track, warm up for 5 minutes first, then run 1 minute and jog 1 minute. Repeat this 6-8 times, then stop and rest for 5 minutes.

Swimming: freestyle is about 50 meters, repeated 10 times, with each break 15 seconds. Do aerobic swimming, avoid too fast and raise your heart rate, keep breathing smoothly, and don't swim too hard.

Cycling: Warm up for 90 seconds first. Keep riding fast at moderate intensity for 30 seconds, then reduce the speed to the standard of aerobic exercise and keep it for 90 seconds. Go on the next 30-second fast ride. Each round should gradually increase the intensity of fast riding.

2. Ensure adequate and good sleep. You can wear earplugs if there is too much noise in the room. Noise interference during sleep will lead to an increase in heartbeat 13 times per minute.

3. Empty your bladder. Excessive urination can cause the heart to beat 9 times a minute. An overfilled bladder will excite sympathetic nerves, causing blood vessels to contract, thus speeding up your heartbeat.

4. Take fish oil capsules. Squid oil is rich in DHA, which is an important omega -3 fatty acid. Doctors recommend taking a certain amount of fish oil or other foods rich in omega -3 every day to ensure at least 600mg of DHA intake. Take a fish oil capsule every day and your heart will stop beating six times a minute for two weeks. Researchers believe that fish oil helps the heart to better respond to the vagus nerve, thus regulating the heart rate.

5. control your diet. Eat healthy food that helps regulate the heart rate. Eat more salmon, sardines or mackerel, and eat more whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts and foods rich in potassium, such as bananas and avocados.

6, often hug! Frequent hugs can lower blood pressure and raise oxytocin levels, which will help lower your heart rate. You might as well hug your loved ones often and enjoy the potential benefits to your health.

7. Dedicate yourself to nature. Being outdoors surrounded by green trees helps to lower the heart rate and blood pressure, and there are many other health benefits, such as reducing stress, improving mood and strengthening the immune system. Even if you stay outdoors for only five minutes, it will bring benefits to your health. You can take a brisk walk in the park or go hiking on weekends.

Method 3: Improve long-term tachycardia.

1, lie down and relax. Lie in a comfortable place, such as a bed or sofa. If you really can't find it, you can choose a relaxed posture to sit down. Your room should be quiet and comfortable. If the scenery outside your window is noisy, close the curtains or blinds.

Relax your muscles, keep this posture and slow down your heart.

Keep one posture for too long, it is better to change it! If you have been standing, try to sit down or lie down. When you change your posture, your blood pressure will change, which will also affect your heart rate.

2. Focus on imagining beautiful things. Some conscious imagination or assumption that you are in a happy place can play a relaxing role. For example, imagine a beautiful mural, imagine yourself in nature or have a relaxing daydream. Find a picture or photo that makes you feel relaxed. Then sit on the bed in a meditation posture, watch it, and gradually calm down your body and mind.

Write down a place you want to go or a place that makes you feel at ease in your diary. Then, close your diary, picture this place in your mind, and let peace cover you.

3. Learn to meditate. Focus on the heartbeat and slow it down with your mind.

4. Breathe slowly. Try the following methods to adjust breathing and reduce heart rate. Abdominal breathing: Sit down and put your hands under your abdomen and chest. Inhale through your nose, push your hands and abdomen outward, and keep your chest still. Then pout and exhale. It feels like whistling and pushing the air out of the abdomen with your hands. Practice repeatedly according to your own needs.

Alternate nostril breathing: press your finger on the right nostril and inhale through the left nostril, counting to 4. Then pinch your nose, hold your breath and count to 16. Exhale through the right nostril and count to 8, then inhale through the right nostril and count to 4. Hold your breath 16 and exhale through the left nostril. Yoga practitioners believe that this breathing method can balance your left and right brains and make your body and mind calm.

5. Have a massage. Regular massage or pedicure can reduce the heartbeat by 8 times per minute. You can pay for a professional massage, or you can ask your family or lover to help you massage.

6. Try not to consume caffeine at ordinary times. Caffeine can raise blood pressure and heart rate. Although this increase is only temporary, it may be obvious that it depends on the amount of caffeine you consume. If you have high blood pressure, you should give up caffeine completely. If you have the habit of drinking coffee in the morning, you can try to switch to coffee or tea with lower caffeine content.

Tip: Ask your doctor about heart rate variability biofeedback. When doing biofeedback, the doctor will connect you with an electronic sensor to observe your heart rate. Then you can slow down your heartbeat by increasing your vital capacity, lowering your blood pressure and relieving stress.

Other possible causes of warning tachycardia: age. With the increase of age, heart aging may lead to tachycardia.

Heredity. If you have a family history of arrhythmia, you are more prone to tachycardia.

Threatening factors. Any situation that oppresses or hurts the heart will increase the possibility of tachycardia. Drug therapy can reduce the incidence of tachycardia caused by the following factors: heart disease



excessive drinking

Excessive intake of caffeine


Mental stress or anxiety

The heartbeat is too fast to be detected during rest. But if you have dizziness, shortness of breath, anxiety, fainting, sudden fall or chest pain, you may have tachycardia. Special note: If the above symptoms do not improve for several minutes, you should call 120 or go to the hospital urgently. If the symptoms disappear soon, go to the hospital as soon as possible.