10 Common dietary misunderstandings?

It is easy to misunderstand that diet is 10.

Many people think they are experts in nutrition and health, and they don't eat this or that. In fact, your understanding may be incorrect!

1, eating spicy food is harmful to the stomach? Actually, it's just the opposite.

Spicy food, such as pepper and mustard, can not only kill germs, but also promote the normal work of liver and gallbladder.

2. Get fat after meals? This is probably the most widespread fallacy among weight-loss enthusiasts.

Dinner should provide the energy needed for rest at night, and skipping meals at night will affect the quality of sleep. Imagine, how can you be healthy without high-quality sleep? If you want to have a good figure, it is important to pay attention to the fat and calories contained in the total diet in a day, and you can't ignore the importance of physical activity.

3. Spinach is rich in iron? Not quite right.

Many data show that100g spinach contains 35 mg of iron, but this means100g sun-dried spinach, and100g fresh spinach contains only about 3 or 5 mg of iron.

4. Raw food is less nutritious and more beneficial than cooked food? This is not always the case.

For example, fresh lentils and eggplant contain toxins, which are harmless to the human body only after heating.

5, food with less oil can't help but be full? Not correct.

It is often heard that people complain that they are hungry a few hours after a meal because the food they eat is low in oil, which is not correct. Satiety is related to carbohydrates in food, but not to oil.

6. Eating eggs immediately increases cholesterol content? Wrong.

Eggs do contain a lot of cholesterol, and an egg contains about 200 mg. But this cholesterol can't enter the blood directly. If your metabolism is normal, you can safely eat an egg every day without causing any harm.

7. Will you get fat after drinking beer? This is probably the best reason for those beer bellies to find themselves fat.

The total volume of 0,5 liters of beer * * * is only 105 kcal. In fact, the reason for getting fat after drinking beer is not wine, but appetizers.

8. Is egg yellow skin better than white skin? Misunderstanding.

Many consumers think so, which leads to the price of yellow-skinned eggs sold in some markets being significantly higher than that of white-skinned eggs. The color of eggs is determined by the variety of chickens, and the taste and nutrient content of eggs depend on the feed of chickens.

9. Can drinking coffee sober me up? No

After a hearty dinner, a cup of coffee will only accelerate the entry of alcohol into the blood. Therefore, it is very dangerous for drivers to sober up in this way.

10, eating bread will make you fat, but eating dry bread will help you stay slim? Fallacy.

100g of dry flour contains 3 18 kcal, while100g of rye bread contains only 2 10 kcal.