Remember the address of that bad website, and then in Internet Options-Security, click "Restricted Sites", click the "Site" button below, add the address of that bad website to "Add this website to the zone", and then click "OK".
Also, here are some tips I collected:
Enter "regedit" in "Run" to open the registry: HKEY _ local _ machine \ software \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ main \ default _ page _ URL.
In Internet properties, the key value of the subitem "Default_Page_URL" is "Use default page".
Solution: Just change the key value of the subitem "Default_Page_URL" to your favorite URL.
(for example: /default.aspx)
The following items cannot be changed, so the settings are as follows:
Default search URL
/isapi/redir.dll? ie & ampar=iesearch
Start page
/isapi/redir.dll? Prd = {sub _ prd} clcid = {sub _ clsid}& = {pver sub}& = home page.
Local page
% SystemRoot % \ system32 \ blank . htm
Of course, I must use anti-virus software to kill virus. For example, I use the "Red Umbrella C Edition of Abortion" with super anti-virus ability.
Also, it is recommended to install 360 security guards or Kaka 6, both of which can block bad websites.
Then don't log on to bad websites.
Good luck!