celebrity quote

Obama's speech

If there are still people who doubt that America is a place where everything is possible, who doubt whether the dream of our founders still exists in our time, and who question the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

If anyone still doubts that the United States is a country where everything is possible, whether the dreams of the founding fathers still exist in our time, and the power of our democracy, then you have heard the answer tonight.

This is the answer told by the unprecedented long queues around schools and churches in this country. It is the answer told by people who have waited for three or four hours. Many of them have done this for the first time in their lives because they believe that this time will be different and their voices may be different.

It was the countless voters who lined up in schools and churches today who answered this question; The answer is people who have waited for three or four hours to vote. Many of them voted for the first time in their lives because they believe that this time is really different-their voices will make this time different.

This is the answer given by young people and old people, rich and poor, Democrats and Republicans, blacks, whites, Spaniards, Asians, Indians, homosexuals, heterosexuals, disabled people and able-bodied people. The American people have sent a message to the world that we are never just a collection of individuals, nor a collection of red states and blue states.

We are, and always will be, the United States of America.

This answer comes from young people, old people, poor people, rich people, Democrats, Republicans, black skin, white skin, Latin Americans, Asians, Indians, homosexuals and non-homosexuals, disabled people and able-bodied people. America tells the world that we have never been half red and half blue. ), we are the United States of America.

It is this answer that makes those who have been told by so many people for a long time to be skeptical, fearful and skeptical about what we can achieve put their hands on the arc of history and let it bend towards a better future again.

Many people are cynical, worried and suspicious in the long past. But today they answered. Their hands turned history around and turned it into a new day full of hope.

It's been a long time, but tonight, because of what we did on this election day, at this decisive moment, America has ushered in change.

We have been waiting for a long time, but tonight, because of our efforts today, because of this election, at this decisive moment, the United States finally ushered in change.

Earlier tonight, I received a very kind phone call from Senator McCain.

Learn to interpret and be a gold collar! Facing the interpretation exam in September

Obama's Inaugural Address (Chinese and English)

Obama's speech at Lincoln Memorial (bilingual)

Full text of Obama's victory speech in French

Obama G20 Speech in London (HD video download+text)

Obama's Easter speech (video download+text)

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Mccain has worked hard for a long time in this campaign. He fought for the country he loved for a longer time and worked harder. He made sacrifices for America that most of us can't imagine. The service provided by this brave and selfless leader has made our life better.

I congratulate him; I congratulate Governor Palin on all her achievements. I look forward to working with them in the coming months to revive the hope of this country.

I just got a call from Senator McCain. He is sincere. He worked hard in this long campaign. For the country he loves, he has paid more and spent more time. He suffered many sacrifices that Americans can't imagine. The contribution of this brave and selfless leader will make our country stronger. I also admire the achievements of Senator McCain and Governor Palin. I look forward to working with them in the coming months to reaffirm America's commitment.

I want to thank my partner on this trip. He participated in the election from the bottom of his heart and spoke for the men and women who grew up with him on the streets of scranton and rode with him on the train back to Delaware. He is the elected vice president of the United States, Joe Biden.

I want to thank my running mate. He ran for office from the bottom of his heart, and his voice represented the voices of people who lived on the streets of scranton where he grew up, and also the voices of Delaware who commuted with him by train. Now he will become the vice president of the United States. This is Joe Biden.

I wouldn't be standing here tonight without the firm support of my best friend in the past 16 years. She is the cornerstone of our family, the love of my life and the next first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama.

Sasha and Malia, I love you both more than you can imagine. You have earned a new puppy, and it will live with us in the new White House.

Although my grandmother is gone, I know that she is watching me and watching me with my family. They made me who I am today. I miss them tonight. I know what I owe them is beyond measure.

My sister Maya, my sister Alma, all my brothers and sisters, thank you very much for all your support. I thank them.

Without the support of my closest friends, the cornerstone of my family and the love of my life in the past 16 years, I wouldn't be standing here tonight. This is the next first lady of our country, Michelle Obama. My daughters, Sasha and Maria. I love you very much. We will move into the White House with the puppy you just won. And my grandmother, although she has left us at this moment, I know that she is watching-together with my family, they have brought me life and defined my life. I miss them tonight. I know what I owe them is hard to repay.