English net name translation

Derek Dairic, German, ruler of the country.

German, German and Ireland refer to poets or scholars.

Dick, Dick, Germany, fearless.

Dominique Minnich, Latin, belongs to God.

Tang, Tang, Celtic world leader.

Donahue Donahue is a red-brown soldier in Ireland.

Donald, Donald Seth, world leader; Chief.

Douglas Douglas, Gail, a man from the Black Sea; Dark gray.

Drew, Drew, Wells, smart and honest people.

Duke, Duke, Latin, Duke; Leadership.

Duncan, Duncan, Gail, Brown Warriors; Suntanned soldiers.

Dunn, Dunn, England, refers to people with dark skin.

Dwight, Teutonic, Devit, Caucasian or blond.

Dylan, Dylan, Wells Ocean; God of the waves.

Earl, Earl, England, a noble leader with keen wisdom.

Ed, Ed, England, rich guardian.

Eden, Eden, Hebrew Eden, light and happiness.

Edgar, Edgar England, happy soldiers.

Edmund, Edmund England, a wealthy protector.

Edison, Edison England, enriched himself by taking care of others.

Edward, Edward England, a very rich property guardian.

Edwin, Edwin, England, a rich friend; The winner of the property.

Egbert, Egbert, Teutonic, very talented and outstanding.

Eli, Eli, Hebrew is great and outstanding.

Elijah, Elijah, the Hebrew God.

Eliot, Iliad, French, Hebrew, people who believe in God.

Ellis, Ellis, the Hebrew God is the savior.

Elmer, Elmer, England, aristocrat or celebrity.

Elroy, elroy Latin, Royal, King.

Elton, Elton England, from the old farm.

Elvis Presley, Elvis Teutonic, noble; friends.

Emanuel, Emanuel, the Hebrew God is with us.

Enoch, Enoch Greek, Hebrew, followers; Pious.

Eric, Alex Scandinavia, leader.

Ernest, Ernest, Germany, is a warm, true or sincere person.

Eugene, Eugene, Greek, Latin, of noble descent.

Evan, Calvin, Celtic, a man of noble birth.

Everley, England, refers to the venue where wild boars fight.

Fabian Fu Bin, a Roman bean farmer.

Felix Felix is Latin for happiness or luck.

Ferdinand Ferdinand travels in Teutonic and likes adventure; Prosecute/fight for peace

Fitch Fitch, British blonde.

Fitzgerald Fitzgerald, a skilled English archer.

Ford Ford, the ferry of the English River.

Francis Francis is a free man in Latin, free man.

Frank, Frank, a free man in France.

Franklin Franklin Latin or German Freeman.

Frederick Friedrich, the ruler of Germany under the peaceful leadership; Powerful and rich.

Gabriel Gabriel, servant of the Hebrew God; God's power is very powerful.

Gail sings in Ireland; Stranger.

Gary Garrett Teutonic with a spear; Hound.

Gavin Gavin, Eagle of Irish War, Eagle of Victory.

Gene Gene Greek, Latin is of noble descent.

Jeffrey Jeffrey is in charge of the sacred peace in France.

Jeff, Jeff, the sacred peace of France.

George George, a Greek farmer.

Gerald Gerald Teutonic brave warrior.

The glorious oath of Gilbert Teuton; Hostages.

Giles, Jaes, Greek shield hand.

The narrow valley of Glen Glensell.

Goddard Goddard Germany's unswerving law.

French god of peace.

Gordon Gordon, the mountain area of the British Triangle Peak; Heroes; A strong man.

Greg, Greg, the alert man in Greece.

Gregory Gregory, the vigilant Greek.

Griffith Griffith Wells, a powerful man to protect his home; Ruddy.

People who live in the forests of England.

Gustav Gustav Germany or Sweden War.

Guy's guide to reporting on Britain; Wise; Wood; A veteran.

Hale Hall, the heroic glory of England.

Harry Harry of Irish science; Have a gift for invention.

A small village in the mountains of France or Normandy; Bare hills.

Hardy Hardy is a brave and noble man in Germany.

Harlan Harlan Teutonic people come from a cold country.

Harry, Harry, England is full of rabbit grasslands or groves.

Harold Harold, British leader; Fight bravely.

Harriet Harriet, British war, soldier.

Harry Harry medieval English war, soldier.

Harvey Harvey France has bitter taste; Progress or prosperity.

Hayden Hayden Germans come from a small town surrounded by hedges.

Heather, heather that blooms in England.

Henry Henry Teutonic, the person who manages the family; Family ruler.

Herbert Herbert was a famous or outstanding German fighter.

Herman Herman, German soldier; Dude.

Hilary Hilary, Happy Latin.

Hiram Heller is a noble Hebrew identity; Glorious.

Hobart, Hobert, the light pavilion in German hearts.

Hogan Hogan Ireland is always young.

Mr. Horace Harris.

Howard holder, Teutonic Watcher.

Hubery Hubert has a distinctive French personality; Excellent thinking.

Hugh cultivated German rationality; Intelligence; Soul.

Hugo Hugo Latin rationality; Intelligence; Soul.

Humphrey Humphrey Teutonic peace supporter.

A man who prides himself on hunting in England.

Hyman Hyman Hebrew life

Ian Ian Scotland embodies the glory of God.

Ingmar is a descendant of Ingmar's aristocratic family.

Ingram England refers to the son of a big bird, a symbol of wisdom.

Ella Eller, a Hebrew with high alertness; Castrated horses.

Isaac Isaac Hebrew laughter.

Isidore, a gift from the Greek goddess Aeschylus in isidore.

Ivan Ivan, a kind gift from the Russian god.

Ives Elvis refers to the English swordsman.

Jack, Jack, a kind gift from the Hebrew God.

Jacob Jacob was replaced by Hebrew; Followers.

James James Latin replaced him.

The Hebrew Family Background, Descent and Origin in jared, jared.

Jason Jason, Greek healer; A knowledgeable person.

Jay Jay, the beauty of French bluebird.

Jeff, Jeff, the sacred peace of France.

Jeffrey Jeffrey, the holy peace of France.

Jeremy Jeremiah, the nobleness of the Hebrew God.

Jerome, the holy Latin name of Jerome.

Jerry, Jerry, Latin. Holy name.

Jesse Jesse, a gift from the Hebrew God; God is peaceful.

Jim, Jim, Latin has the upper hand

Joe, Joe, the Hebrew God will give it to you.

John John, the merciful grace of the Hebrew God.

Jonas Jonas Hebrew dove of peace.

Jonathan Jonathan was born of the Hebrew God.

Joseph, Joseph, the Hebrew God will give it again.

Joshua Joel was saved by the Hebrew God.

Joyce Joyce Latin is happy.

Julian Julian Greek hair is soft and also represents young people.

Julius Julius Greek hair is soft and furry.

Justin Justin Latin is honest.

Keith Keith Irish wind; Woods.

Kelly, Kelly, Celtic warrior.

Ken Ken, the handsome leader of Scotland.

Kennedy Kennedy is the leader of the Irish samurai, referring to the leader.

Kenneth Kenneth, the handsome leader of Scotland.

Kent Kent, a handsome Scottish leader; A vast territory.

Kerr Cole refers to an Irish black man with a spear.

An Irishman with soft eyes; friend

Kevin Kevin Irish saint; Very masculine; Born in a good family.

Jin Jin was born in England and lived on the grass of the Royal Castle.

King King, the ruler of England.

Kirk Kirkgel who lives next to the church.

Kyle Kyle Wells, a narrow strait; Shuai Shuai's.

Lambert Lambert, a clever administrator in Germany; Light.

French land of Reims; Someone who waits for others.

Larry Laurila Ding Guiguan

Lawrence Lawrence Latin laurel.

Ye Xiaokai Lev, Norwegian public lover.

Germanic strong lion.

Lennon Lennon is a thin man in Ireland, wearing a hat and a cloak.

Leo Leo Greek lion; Warriors.

Leonard Leonard Teutonic is as strong as a lion.

Leopold Germany is patriotic.

Les Lesselt comes from an old fortress.

Lester Liszt British Camp; An outstanding person.

Levi, Levi and the Hebrews came together.

Louis Louis France is very famous on the battlefield.

Leonard Leonard France is like a lion.

Lulu France is famous on the battlefield.

Louis Louis France is very famous on the battlefield.

Lv Xian and Lv Xian Latin light, truth.

Luther Luther, an outstanding German soldier.

Lyle Lyle, the people of ile-de-france.

Lyndon Lyndon Teuton lives where there are bodhi trees.

Lynn Lynn, a British lakeside resident.

In Ireland, Magee McKee is a grumpy man.

Malcolm Malcolm Scotland refers to missionaries.

Mandel Mandel refers to a person with almond eyes.

Marcus Marcus Rome refers to a combative person.

Maricot Mario, Latin militant; Fight fiercely

Makemake Latin refers to a combative person.

Marlon Mullen refers to a person like an eagle or a falcon in France.

Swamp swamp France comes from the forest area.

Marshall Marshall English horse breeder, follower of the king.

Martin Martin Latin is belligerent and belligerent.

Marvin Marvin, an English friend.

Matt, Matt is a gift from the Hebrew God.

Matthew Matthew, a gift from the Hebrew God.

Morris Morris Latin black skin; Moors.

Max, Max, the greatest in Latin.

The greatest Latin.

Maxwell Maxwell is a very influential and respected person in Britain.

George meredith, the protector of Meredith Sweers Sea.

Moore Moore, a French thrush; The French use this name to address those who like to sing or whistle.

Merlin Moline is a castle or hill by the sea in England.

Michael Michael, a Hebrew man like God.

Michelle Mitchell Britain is like the glory and nobility of God.

Mick Mick, a Hebrew man like God.

Mike, Mike, a Hebrew man like God.

Miles Myers, German, Latin and Greek warrior; Grinding stone; Kindness

Milo Milutin, the man who raised the townspeople; Soldier.

Monroe Monroe Selt Red Marsh.

Montague, Mantejiu, comes from the steep mountains of Latin.

Moore Moore's dark and handsome appearance in France.

Morgan Morgan Wells refers to people who live by the sea.

People who live by a quiet lake in France.

Morton Morton England comes from a village in the wilderness.

Moses Moses, a Hebrew rescuer from the sea; Kid.

Murphy Murphy Ireland refers to people who defend sea power.

Murray Moreset, sailor.

Miron Miron Greek fragrance; Sweet and fragrant.

Nat Nat, a Hebrew gift.

Nathan Naiden, Hebrew teacher.

Nathaniel Naboniel, a gift from the Hebrew God.

Neil Neil, a brave man in Britain; Leadership; Winner, champion.

Nelson Nelson, son of England.

Newman Newman, a very popular stranger in England.

Nicholas Nicholas, Greek champion.

Nick, Nick, the Greek champion.

Nigel Nigel, a Latin with black hair.

Calm, still, or peaceful.

Noel Noel Latin's birthday; Christmas.

Norman Norman France Northern Europe, Scandinavia.

Norton Norton is an Englishman from a southern village.

Ogden Ogden England comes from Elephant Tree Valley.

Oliver Oliver, Latino, safe man.

Omar, the eldest son of Omar Arabia, was taught by the prophet.

Orville O'Rear is from Huang Jincheng.

Osborne Osborne, the sacred soldier of England, the blessed man.

Oscar Oscar Teutonic Spear.

Osmond, Osmond and Britain are blessed and protected.

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is blessed with a sacred and powerful English.

Otis Otis has a keen hearing in Greece.

Otto Otto is rich in Germany.

Owen Onadin, Wells, a young soldier of noble birth.

Peggy, the Greek kid.

Parker, Parker, the British caretaker of the park.

Paddy Paddy was born in Irish aristocracy; Noble.

Patrick Patrick is a Latin aristocrat; Noble.

Paul Paul Latin refers to a small and exquisite person.

Philip Philip, Greek warrior; Warlike or belligerent; Horse lovers.

French doorman or porter.

Prescott Prescott's English Pastor's Cabin.

The eldest son of Italy.

Quentin Quint, France, day five, day five.

French independence oak district.

Quincy Quincy is the fifth Latin.

Quinn, Quentin is fifth.

Quentin Quinton, the fifth generation descendant of Latin.

Rachel Rachel Rachel Hebrew ewe.

British wolf advice or wolf wisdom, consultant.

Reuben Rubin, son of Greece! Freshman.

Rex, Rex, King of Latin.

Richard Richard Germany is brave and bold.

Robert Robert Teutonic's brilliant reputation.

Robin Robin The Teutonic's glorious reputation, Robin.

Rock rock English rock, very strong man.

Rhodes Road Service Provider in the UK; Famous.

Roderick Roderick England is famous; A famous leader.

Rodney Rodney, British road service provider; Name, servant.

Rudolph Rudolph Teutonic Wolf.

Rupert Teuton's brilliant reputation.

Ryan Ryan, the potential king of Ireland.

Sam, Sam, the name of the Hebrew god.

Sampson Simpson Hebrew wisdom and strength high, the sun.

Sandy, sandy, defenders of Latin mankind.

An English swordsman who conquered others.

Scott Scott, English Scot, Irish.

Sean Sean, a kind gift from the Irish God.

Sebastian Sebastian is respected and solemn in Greece.

Sid Sid England is from Sidon, Phoenix.

Sydney, Sydney, England is from Sidon, Finich.

Silvester Sylvester Latin comes from the forest.

Simon Simon Hebrew Reid, flat nose. British shopkeeper Spencer Spindu; Administrator, administrator.

English grasslands and pastures.

Stanford Stanford England is from Rocky Zimmer.

Stanley Stanley English grasslands, pastures.

Steven Steven Latin, Greek crown, corolla.

Stev Stevie Latin, Greek crown, corolla.

Stuart Stewart, English janitor or manager.

The Teutonic people of Taber are outstanding and wise.

Taylor Taylor, a tailor in England.

Ted, Ted, the rich guardian of ancient England.

A gentle, steady or elegant person in Latin; Tower.

Theobald, the brave god of Hilbert Latin.

Xiduo Xiduo is a gift from the Greek God or a gift from God.

Thomas Thomas England, Latin sun god; Twins.

Tiffany Tiffany France shows the sacred image of God.

Tim Timmy Greeks worship or fear God.

Timothy, Timothy, Greece worships or fears God.

Tobias, tobias and Greece are the gods I believe in.

Toby, Toby, the Greek God is my God.

Todd Todd English fox; Refers to a clever and cunning person.

Tom Tom England, Latin twin sun god.

Tony Tony Latin is worthy of praise and respect.

Troy, a curly-haired man living in France.

Taylor Taylor, British roof builder and brick maker.

The Greek Lord or ruler of Tyrone.

Ulysses Ulysses Greek wisdom and courage, hater.

The Englishman at the front of Upton Aptom.

Uriah Uriah Hebrew Jesus is where the light is.

A healthy person or a strong person.

Valentine Valentine is valuable and powerful in Britain.

Vicvik Latin victor, conqueror.

Winner winner Latin winner, conqueror.

Vincent, Vincent, Latin conquest.

Virgil: Virgil's Latin Spring is full of vitality.

Vito Vito Latin is a lively and energetic person.

Vivian Vivian is active in Latin.

Walter Walter Gu refers to a person who leads an army in Germany and France, or a powerful warrior.

Ward Ward British defender, defender.

Warner Warner Germany's resistance to aggression.

Wayne Wayne, the builder of English carriages, is a four-wheeled carriage.

Webb Webb, British knitter.

Webster Webster, English knitter.

Wendell Wendell Teutonic Wanderer.

Werner Feinar defended Germany, defended the country, a man who resisted aggression.

Wilbur Wilbur, a city with many willows in England, is very brilliant.

Will will is a powerful soldier or protector in France.

William William is a powerful warrior or defender in Germany and France.

Willy Willy, a powerful warrior or defender of Germany.

Winfred waverley Devosse's white waves; A peace-loving friend.

Winston Winston came from a friend's town or residence in Si Tong.

Wright Wright British lumberjack.

Witwicz, little French soldier.

Yale Yale Ancient England came from the border areas.

York York British boar breeder.

Yves Yves is the patron saint of French law.

Zachariah Zachariah Hebrew is God's favorite person.

Ziv Deviv Slav is full of energy and happiness everywhere.