If the blood hCG value is low, check it again the next day. If it is not doubled, you need to go to the hospital for B-ultrasound in 45 days to determine whether it is an ectopic pregnancy.
If B-ultrasound shows intrauterine pregnancy, but the hCG value is persistently low, doubling is not good, which may be caused by embryonic development retardation. If there is no bleeding and abdominal pain, you should go to the hospital for abortion treatment in time.
If there is no problem with the development of the embryo itself, after effective treatment, hCG will double, indicating that fetal protection is successful. If the HCG value continuously drops significantly, such as 30 today, 40 the day after tomorrow and 48 two days later, such HCG value is definitely abnormal, and the success rate of miscarriage protection is extremely low.