Uncle shan's Aauto faster fat-reducing meal: 73 kinds of low-calorie light food, delicious and not fat.

The book emphasizes the importance of diet quality and high-quality protein in the process of healthy fat reduction. Using common ingredients and protein nutritional supplements, 73 healthy fat-reducing meals with easy learning and good acceptability were carefully created.

The fat-reducing meal is based on the following fat-reducing ingredients: lean beef, chicken breast, shrimp, canned tuna, eggs, beans and bean products. Here mainly refers to soybeans, black beans and mung beans and their processed products, such as tofu and yuba. Fish, such as Longli fish, yellow croaker, flounder, dragon head fish, Basha fish, etc. Seafood (shellfish and squid), protein powder, yam, purple potato, asparagus, broccoli, tomato.

The true meaning of losing weight always lies in a good attitude, moderate exercise and a diet with high nutritional density.