Speaking of simplicity, how do we know whether our intestines are healthy in daily life? It's simple. Just look at these signs and you can test yourself.
People with healthy intestines have regular daily defecation. Moreover, when defecating, there will be no black stool, hard stool or unhealthy stool form, defecation will be very smooth, and defecation difficulties are rare.
I hardly have diarrhea in my daily life. I defecate calmly every day, and I won't feel diarrhea soon. Normal stool has no odor. If your stool smells, it means that your intestines are not very healthy. Healthy feces should have an acidic smell, but it is definitely not an odor.
The whole person looks good, and his skin is bright and shiny. If your skin is like this, congratulations, your intestines are healthy. Why is this happening? Because if the intestine is unhealthy, it is easy to cause stool to accumulate in the intestine, so that some toxins are absorbed by the human body, resulting in bad skin.
People with healthy intestines are also refreshing and will not have bad breath. Many people with abnormal intestinal health will have bad breath, and the bad breath is still very serious, and brushing your teeth and eating can't be alleviated.
Make sure your body has enough water. When the body does not take in enough water, the intestine will absorb water from the feces, which will lead to dry feces, which will lead to difficulty in defecation. For a long time, it will also form intractable constipation. After getting up in the morning, you can drink a cup of warm water on an empty stomach. Drinking water at this time helps to clean the intestines. Get into the good habit of drinking water during the day.
Eat slowly at every meal. Eating too fast will lead to food entering the body without full chewing, which will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract. If the burden is too heavy for a long time, a series of abnormalities will occur in the gastrointestinal tract. When eating, it is recommended to eat some fresh fruits and vegetables and coarse grains. These foods contain some dietary fiber, which can also promote intestinal peristalsis.
Finally, if you want to take good care of your intestine, you should give it enough time to rest. Simply put, it is to eat as little as possible or not to eat midnight snack. Our body needs to sleep every day to rest, and the intestines are no exception. It also needs to rest during sleep time. If you eat supper before going to bed, it will lead to intestinal work during sleep, which will lead to intestinal malformation in the long run.