Keep it 10 minutes before going to bed. Is this good for your health? How to maintain it?

There are some massage actions before going to bed, which are still very good for your health after doing it. For example, massage the abdomen before going to bed, 36 times clockwise and 24 times counterclockwise. The posture of the palm is that the right hand is flat, the palm is stretched out, and the hand is placed down on the navel for massage. 5 groups at a time, 10 group, 20 groups are ok. It takes only a short time to do such a massage before going to bed, which is helpful for sleeping and repairing sub-health. It is very useful for office workers, white-collar workers, the infirm and the elderly.

Abdominal massage before going to bed is very beneficial to health. Some friends will massage in one direction 136, and they will feel very comfortable. So there are many methods, depending on how you want to operate and execute them. And massage in bed before going to bed doesn't need much effort, and it is still very good for health, so I recommend 36 times clockwise and 24 times counterclockwise, because I have been practicing this method.

Normal body can use the time before going to bed for abdominal massage. For people with poor spleen and stomach and people with poor intestines, its repair effect is very good, because many people's bodies are now poor in spleen and stomach. Because of diet problems, it will be good to do it 36 times clockwise and 24 times counterclockwise, which will be very helpful for the lifting of the body.

I want to do other maintenance before going to bed, so I suggest taking a deep breath. When we take a deep breath, we can quickly calm our mood and a state in our body. When the mind and body can calm down, it is easy to fall asleep, which also helps to improve the quality of sleep. Good sleep quality is helpful to the repair of body organs and mental state at night, which makes you feel very good when you get up the next morning, and is also conducive to work and health, so it is very important to have a good sleep.