What function does the hair follicle have?

Hair follicle: the place where the hair is located. What we see is the epidermal depression produced by each hair on the skin, which is called pore. Usually each pore or hair follicle has one hair (but some have 2-3 hairs). Hair follicles extend down to a depth of about one centimeter in the dermis. It is a kind of organ accessory tissue with complex structure, which is composed of epithelial sheath surrounding hair and connected with epidermis, sebaceous glands and hairy muscles. Hair follicle is actually composed of connective tissue and epithelium. Hair follicles are differentiated from epidermal cells except dermal papilla with connective tissue and blood vessels. Hair follicle openings start from the skin surface, and each hair follicle is connected with one or more gland cells. Each gland cell dissociates into lipid-rich substances, but the secretion is transported to the skin surface and discharged through a sebaceous duct connected to the hair follicle.