Choose a place to eat. Many precious mothers keep changing places for their babies to eat, one on the mat, one in the fence and one on the sofa. When the baby is having fun, they will quickly put a mouthful of rice into his mouth. Actually this is very wrong. The baby can't eat well, which is the problem.
Eat at the dining table, which is the best feeding place when eating. It is very important for parents to learn from each other. Everyone eats at the table, and the baby should also develop this habit. Over time, the dining table has established a connection with eating. As long as you see the dining table, the baby will think of eating reflexively, so it will be relatively easy to feed or let the baby eat.
Create a good dining atmosphere. A good atmosphere can make eating a happy thing. Seeing others eat so well will arouse their appetite. Most treasure moms are always used to letting their babies eat first, and then eating by themselves will be practical. Imagine if you eat alone and everyone around you is staring at you. Are you feeling sick?
Therefore, the best state is that the whole family eats together, and the family enjoys delicious food at the table together, which can arouse the baby's appetite, and the appearance of adults eating well will also become a good example for the baby.
Encourage independent eating Many mothers think that their babies eat slowly and eat dirty, so they will feed their babies themselves. You know, interest and a sense of accomplishment are two sharp tools to keep your baby enthusiastic about eating. Even if the baby is not skilled at eating, even if the baby eats in a mess, you should be patient and encourage the baby to eat by himself.
Mothers can also use some tricks, such as preparing some hand-grabbed food for their babies, stimulating their interest in food, and exercising their fine hand movements and hand-eye coordination skills, which are also the basic skills that babies should have to eat by themselves. Mother can prepare some food for the baby to eat with a spoon, such as small pieces of meat, so that the baby can enjoy the sense of accomplishment of eating by himself.