Wang, a famous host of CCTV, left her beloved job and never returned to her beloved stage. Wang looks very beautiful, and her sweet smile left a deep impression on the audience. However, due to the heavy work pressure, Wang has physical problems. She has hydronephrosis, and her condition is getting worse every year. The king who couldn't persist left the reluctant stage, and now she can't see the king.
After leaving the CCTV stage, he began to be hospitalized. Now her body is slowly recuperating, and the recent situation is still very good. The family is happy and their physical condition is gradually improving. Wang, everyone loves him, and people often come to visit him during his hospitalization. But unfortunately, although Wang is still very young, she still can't return to CCTV to host the program.
Compared with Dong Qing, Zhou Tao is evenly matched, and Zhou Tao's hosting style is calm, generous and elegant, which gives people a good audio-visual enjoyment. Zhou Tao's position in CCTV is also very high, and they have been fighting for the position of a sister for a long time. But then Zhou Tao chose to quit, and she chose family.
Zhou Tao also talked about the reasons for leaving his job in a program. Zhou Tao once revealed that although people are no longer young, they always feel that there is a young self living in their bodies, eager for innovation and change. In addition, there should be a few family reasons. A strong woman, who has been running for her career all the year round, certainly has some influence on the care of her family. It is also a great pleasure for her family to go behind the scenes this time.