People are made up of cells. Can people be healthy without healthy cells?
The human body is a multicellular individual life. In human body, it can be divided into two cell types: functional cells and stem cells. Among them, the proportion of stem cells in different stages of human hair is different, and his proportion will decrease from childhood to old age. Generally in adults, it only accounts for one in 100,000. The human body is made up of countless single cells. Are the cells stacked on top of each other? Such a human body may lose the original arrangement of the whole cell city because of a simple tilting action, especially the epidermal cells will not go with the wind, but will be attached to the human body because of the attraction of gravity? The human body is a multicellular organism, and the cells that make it up are not created out of thin air. Human cells can secrete some connecting substances, such as some adhesion molecules and scaffold structures, to form a cell group, and a large number of cell groups are connected by some tendons, sutures and bones to form adults.