After removing parents' own influencing factors, the risk of birth defects in offspring of in vitro fertilization is similar to that of natural pregnancy.
The risk of birth defects in fresh embryo transfer cycle is slightly higher than that in natural pregnancy, while the risk of birth defects in frozen embryo transfer cycle does not increase. However, considering that most male patients with ICSI are severe oligozoospermia, and the risk of birth defects in offspring after sperm morphology selection in ICSI is lower than that in traditional ICSI. Therefore, it is impossible to judge whether the impact on future generations is due to sperm problems or technology itself.
Generally speaking, the current scientific evidence shows that the health status of the offspring of IVF belongs to the normal range, and ART technology will not significantly affect the physique, psychological behavior and adolescent development of the offspring. The incidence of major diseases or other common diseases, such as tumors of ART offspring, is no different from natural pregnancy.
If one of the husband and wife in the family has a family history of genetic diseases, related genetic diseases or chromosomal diseases, such as Roche translocation, balanced translocation, Y chromosome microdeletion and other diseases, these conditions may be passed on to the next generation, and it is necessary to go to the genetics department for expert consultation to evaluate the probability and risk of inheritance. When necessary, healthy embryos can be screened by PGD/PGS, that is, gene diagnosis/screening technology before embryo implantation.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis, referred to as PGD for short, is a reproductive technology used for IVF "first generation IVF" or ICSI "second generation IVF" cycle, also known as PGD "third generation IVF".
Preimplantation gene diagnosis can detect many diseases, including chromosomal abnormalities, single gene defects or a series of diseases. The average person in the general population carries 5-6 recessive genes of genetic diseases, and the probability of chromosomal abnormalities in women over 35 years old is obviously increased. Genetic diagnosis before embryo implantation can effectively avoid birth defects. For the family, it can avoid the harm of abnormal termination of pregnancy caused by genetic diagnosis during pregnancy to the mother's body and family.
Generally speaking, the health level of children conceived by IVF will not be lower than that of children conceived naturally. Genetic diagnosis technology before embryo implantation can also improve embryo quality and avoid birth defects.