Therefore, this last condition means that both men and women have the right to know and actually obtain the safe, effective, affordable and acceptable family planning methods they choose, as well as the methods they choose to adjust the fertility rate without violating the law, and have the right to obtain appropriate medical care services, so that women can be pregnant and give birth safely and provide couples with the best chance to give birth to healthy babies.
According to the above definition of reproductive health, reproductive health care is defined as various methods, skills and services to promote reproductive health and well-being by preventing and solving reproductive health problems.
It also includes sexual health, which aims to strengthen life and personal relationships, not just counseling and health care related to reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases.
The above definition can summarize the main contents of reproductive health as the following six points:
1, people can have a satisfactory and safe sex life.
2. Fertility.
You can decide the birth time and number freely and responsibly.
4. Couples have the right to know and obtain safe, effective, affordable and acceptable family planning methods of their choice.
5. Have the right to access reproductive health services.
6. Women can get pregnant safely and give birth to healthy babies.