Biological problems 14

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1.1960s, Loen, Kentucky, USA? Dr. MacGlenn customized a specially designed car for his horse and then tried to teach it to drive. What was the result?

A.this horse can't start the car at all. Horses can drive skillfully. C. get on the highway and you will crash soon.

2. Germans like watching TV. What is the favorite program of the big monkey in Frankfurt Zoo?

A. soap operas. Records of the wild life of other monkeys. C. sports programs include football league results.

3. 19 13, Ms. mccall's dog finished the math problem with an abacus. How high is this dog's IQ?

A. You can't say it's stupid, but he knows that 4*2=9. (or 8? )

Scientists found that the dog was trained to do some arithmetic problems, but it had no mathematical understanding.

This dog can calculate the square root, which can help children in mccall finish their math homework.

The keeper of San Diego Zoo in California, USA, taught an elephant to draw with his nose curled with a brush. What about the works of elephants?'s great, comparable to contemporary art. Its replicas are now kept in major art galleries around the world.

That's too much. It's just graffiti. But some critics call them representatives of "postmodern painters".

C. is a work worth seeing. But that's what the manager told him to do, so it can't be regarded as the elephant's own work.

Scientists color the chimpanzee's face, and then hang a mirror in his house to test his intelligence, in order to see if he can see the stains on his face. What will chimpanzees do?

A. look at the mirror in surprise and wipe off the stain. B. make faces in the mirror. Try to scrape the stain off the mirror.

6. British scientist John? Dr Ka Leboss mixed some harmless radioactive chemicals into the seeds, leaving the seeds for the tits in the swamp to store and eat. He used Geiger counter (an instrument for detecting radiation activity) to track and observe these seeds. What did he find?

A. birds are very clever. Tits in the swamp hide hundreds of seeds every day. More importantly, they can remember where each seed is hidden.

B: It's hard to say that they have a clever "bird brain". They soon forgot where the seeds were hidden.

C. nothing was detected. The scientist forgot where the Geiger counter was, so the experiment had to be cancelled.

7. A scientist is going to train three octopus to pull a lever in the sink to inform dinner. The result is-

A. Octopus is too stupid to learn such simple movements.

B.octopus is difficult to learn to control. They use their terrible long tentacles to unscrew the lever and use it to hurt scientists.

C. They mastered it quickly, but after a few days, they didn't want to do it and kept spraying water on the scientists' faces.

8. Let the cat adapt to the darkness for a few minutes and shine a flashlight in the cat's eyes. What did you notice?

A. cats can't see light. Cat's eyes can reflect light. C. The cat's eye is as red as a vampire.

9. There is a little monkey in Kenya. When they meet animals such as leopards, eagles and snakes, they can call the police with different voices. A zoologist shook the recordings of these alarm calls in front of monkeys. How did the monkey react?

A. put your hand over your ear and don't want to listen.

They acted as if these dangerous animals were coming.

C. After they discussed for a while, some strong monkeys jumped out carefully and smashed the tape recorder with fruits and stones.

10. On coral reefs, fish cleaning is done by shrimp in a special area called a cleaning station. The scientists removed all the shrimps from the washing station. What was the result?

A. Fish have to bite each other to keep clean, but it's in vain.

B: That's all right. Cleanliness is not the main living condition of fish, so they will not be disturbed.

C. the fish will swim to another cleaning station.

1 1. A lion team is tracking a group of young antelopes. Which direction do you think we should approach them?

A follow the wind blowing from behind you so that the antelope can't smell you. Your sudden appearance scared them to a loss.

B. attack from the direct direction of the sun, dazzling the antelope.

C. first run to them for a while, then rush aside and throw them on the ground.

12. Now, the lions will be divided into two groups. Do you know what to do next?

A. Two groups of lions scattered the antelope first, and then smashed them one by one.

B. One group chased the antelope and drove them to the second group, which was lying in the dark.

C one group chased the antelope, and the other group stood guard to prevent hyenas from stealing meat.

13. The male lion ate a big meal, while the female lion lazily basked in the sun while hunting. Now that everyone is hungry, who gets the best share?

First the lioness, then the cubs. Lions can only eat some leftovers because they have no credit.

B the lion gets the best part, while the lioness and cubs get the rest, which depends on their luck.

C. The baby needs to eat more food because it is growing.

14. A lion drove away the original lion and killed and ate the lioness's child. What will the lioness do?

A. hide in the mountains. B. Take revenge, kill it and eat its children. C. Helpless, make friends with it.

15. Food is scarce in early season. What do lions eat?

A. other lions. Insects, mice, precious turtles and anything. C. eat stored bones.

16. 1937, an animal adopter in India held a contest between cheetah and greyhound. What was the result?

A. Greyhound won. B.the cheetah ate the greyhound. C. The cheetah won several times, and most other competitions were lost to the greyhound.

17. Why can't I stop death from being bitten by snakes?

A squeeze the toad dry and apply the squeezed body fluid to the wound for about1d. (traditional Roman therapy)

B Tie your wrist with elastic band and call 120 for emergency treatment. Whether it is right or not, this option adds up. You'd better believe it

C. frequent use of snake venom to produce antibodies. (a method widely used by indigenous people in South Africa)

18. Grouper is a kind of fish that lives in shallow waters along the coast of Australia. It looks like a stone. It has a thorn to protect itself. This toxin is the most common poison in the world. ...

A. the most painful. B. the most dangerous. C. the most lasting.

19. Which book did Darwin write?

A. the lost world.

B) Explore the origin of species by natural selection, that is, preserving the dominant races in struggle for existence. Are you sure you understand? )

C. the mystery of evolution.

20. What is Darwin's favorite plant?

A. Carnivorous flytrap. B. spray melon. C. Cauliflower (cauliflower)

2 1. cauliflower (cauliflower) is actually?

A. a flower parasitic on the root of white radish.

B. A potato that mutates after being irradiated by radioactive substances.

C. Cauliflower (or bracts? ) Plants with thickened flower buds.

* Supplementary note: it will completely suck up the radish, and finally absorb nutrients with the original radish roots and blossom on it. But how it turns the root of radish into its own root is still inconclusive.

* * Supplementary note: The original floral axis and the flower buds are deformed and thickened, and a large white flower block inflorescence is formed at the top of the stem.

22. How can I prevent being bitten to death by a snake?

A. soak your wound in paraffin. (A folk prescription widely circulated in the 1960s to treat snake venom)

B.drink 4.5 kilograms of whisky. (1A method widely used by American soldiers in the 1960s)

C. Take snake venom or cut the skin, and add snake saliva and poison glands when healthy. (a method widely used by indigenous people in South Africa)

23. There is no such plant in the world- can float up and down in the water. can run on the ground. C. can jump on the water like a frisbee.

24. How did the name fever come from?

A: It reaches 20 degrees at night, and there are rumors that the heat in South America can reach 30 degrees. You usually have a high fever at night, don't you? )

B. Patients with Blackford's disease can be cured by taking it, but their body temperature will rise a little.

C. its temperature is higher than the ambient temperature.

Where is the only potato museum in the world?

A. Idaho B. A venue of the upcoming Shanghai World Expo. Cordova

26. Some Antarctic fish contain antifreeze in their blood. Can this substance?

A. heat the food they eat. Have you ever eaten a steak surrounded by ice? )

B. lubricate its stomach.

C. prevent it from being frozen into hard ice by cold water.

27. What is the maximum area that an herb can cover?

A. one square meter. A small garden. C. a large area of land.

28. How long can a seed last?

A. 10 months B. 10 year. C. ten thousand years.

29. Some plants release gases through their leaves, which are then inhaled by other similar plants through their leaves. What kind of information can these gases spread?

I want to seduce your flowers. B. Be alert! A group of giraffes are starving. C. multi-knot fruit.

30. Which of the following places doesn't grow plants?

A.between your toes. Inside the hard rock. C. under the ice in antarctica.

3 1. If you inhale some plants, how will they react?

A. slowly stick out the branches, or they will block your mouth. has faded.

C. convert the exhaled gas into sugar and eat it.

32. Which of the following things can never be produced on a tree?

A. red liquid like blood. B. dew. C. substances used to produce chocolate.

33. How do some plants keep their body temperature?

A. use the heating center for heating. B.keep warm with dense leaves. C. keep warm by shaking yourself.

34. What don't plants do when they are thirsty?

A. stick a root to feed the passing animals.

B. automatically shed some twigs.

C. cover your body with something like a film.

Look for plants near the North Pole, if you find animal bones in the flowers. Why are these flowers here?

A. there are flowers first, and then animals die on them. are poisonous, and animals will die if they eat them.

C. flowers will grow on the bones after animals die.

36. You find that some roots growing on the seashore grow upward like nails. Why?

A. breathe the air.

B. in order to stab passing animals and suck their blood.

C. In order to prevent the soil from being washed away by seawater, the soil becomes hard, which is beneficial to plant growth.

Suppose you are a tree and a snail wants to eat the leaves under your tree. What should you do? (37~43 are problem groups)

A. When wet mucus is secreted under the leaves, snails will slide down from the leaves.

Plant some thorns under the leaves so that you can string those guys together like kebabs.

C. Never mind, let it eat, don't call it pain! Anyway, it won't eat all your leaves, and the rest can grow again.

Cruel caterpillars are gnawing at your leaves. If you don't stop them, they will eat you alive. How to deal with these guys?

A.throw away those damaged leaves. There may be hateful caterpillars on these leaves! Good throw!

B. The leaves grow backward. These leaves are too thick for caterpillars to bite through.

C. exhaust gas. This is a distress signal to the wasp.

39. You are completely surrounded, and there are bugs everywhere that want to eat your leaves. You must organize a group of your own troops to defeat these guys. So what animal is the most suitable candidate?

A. ants-attack warriors.

B. Eupolyphaga-defensive warrior.

C. mouse-super soldier.

40.danger! A dirty and hungry rabbit is attacking your leaves! How did you get rid of him?

A. A tendril grows quickly and swings with the wind, scaring the furry strange guy away. suddenly bloomed and scared the rabbit away.

C. fight back. Poke the rabbit in the nose.

4 1 Imagine what you would do in the following situations. Insects have laid some eggs on you. In spring, they will hatch and eat your leaves. what are you going to do?

A. no new leaves will grow in spring.

B. The new leaves grow so early or so late that the bugs don't know when they should be born.

C. secreting toxins in new leaves.

42. From the danger in the air, a group of aphids are flying towards you and drinking the juice from your leaves. You only have a short time to fight back. What should you do?

A. Send more juice to the leaves outside, where aphids will have a good meal, and then you set an ambush.

B. Add more juice to the leaves that aphids are eating, so that aphids will drink until they burst with a bang.

C. pump the juice away and let them give up and fly away.

More bugs are attacking, all beetles. What should you do? (End of questions 37~43)

A. try to roll up the leaves and trap the beetles inside.

B. pump water from the hole in the leaves and wash the beetles away.

C. release the smell of female beetles and let them leave you to find female beetles.

44. What is the reason why the Christmas tree is called this name?

A. flowers bloom around Christmas. It will blossom and bear fruit around Christmas. C.we put presents under the Christmas tree at Christmas.

45. Which of the following bacteria does not exist in the world?

A. dead foot bacteria. Cephalosporium necrotic. The victim's finger fungus.

46. If you were a big blue butterfly and you hatched, what would you do with the remaining eggs? (46~52 is the topic group)

A. eat them. Bury them. C. throw it to the passing wasp.

47. You live on wild thyme. Suddenly another big blue butterfly caterpillar invaded your territory and began to eat. What would you do?

A. share the plant with it, but ask it to give you some honey.

B. eat the caterpillar that competes with you.

C. hide until it disappears.

48. When you ate all the edible leaves and shed your skin three times, and were about to slowly climb away from the original site, an ant suddenly appeared. What would you do?

A. Persuade him to give you a hug, and you give him some honey in return.

B. Hold its tentacles and don't let it go.

C. curl up and play dead.

49. Ants transport you to its nest, push a small hole and stay with their larvae. What will you do next?

A. Make friends with them, but the same-you need to give them some honey.

B. dress up as ants' larvae and eat their food.

C. eat the larvae of ants.

50. You slept in the nest all winter. Soon after I woke up, I hung myself on the top of the nest and became a pupa. After about three weeks, you became an adult butterfly, but how did you escape from the ant nest?

A. dig an escape route. B. climb out. Play dead and wait for the ants to transport you out.

5 1. You are free at last! What's the first thing you have to do?

A. find something to eat-just a dead ant.

B. find a spouse.

C. dry your brand-new wings.

52. Then you fly away to enjoy a new life! The best life-because you only have () life! (End of questions 46-52)

A: Three hours. B. 15 days C.27 days.

53. How do you tell a butterfly from a moth?

A. moths only move at night, while butterflies move during the day.

B. When the moth stops, its wings are flat and the butterfly stands up.

C. there are no spherical protrusions on the antennae of moths.

54. How do you know if the butterfly is old? you have any broken wings? the color getting darker?

C. whether the tentacles are drooping.

55. How can spiders avoid being caught by their network cards? (This question is to give points. )

A. superb flying skills. B. excellent in body and mind. C. oily but not sticky.

How long can spiders live?

A. six months. B. twenty-five years. C. seventy-five years.

57. When a spider molts, which part will not molt?

A. its skin. The cerebellum and the right half of the brain. C. its internal organs and the inner layer of the lung.

58. What do spiders do with old webs?

A. throw it away. C. eat it.

59. How many spiders are there in a square meter of grass?

a . 27 . b . 500 c . 1795。

60. Which of the following "foods" do bacteria dislike for breakfast?

A. your mother's vitamin c pills.

A bucket of sulfuric acid.

C.a pair of worn-out boots.

D. an ancient temple.