What are "body mass index" and "body mass index?"

Body mass index (BMI-BMI): BMI-BMI is a reference index to evaluate the ratio of weight to height.

People agree that a healthy standard weight is between 8 and 25.

Calculation formula:

Body mass index = body mass index = weight (kg)/? Height (square meters)

Ideal weight (kg) = 20? Height m2~~22? Height m2


The world standard of obesity is that the body mass index is in the normal range of 18.5 to 24.9, the body mass index greater than 25 is overweight, and the body mass index greater than 30 is obese.

Asian obesity standard: Asians are too young to be measured by the world obesity standard. For example, when the Japanese body mass index is 24.9, the risk of hypertension will increase by three times; In China, the mortality rate of body mass index is the lowest, which is 23.7. The higher the mortality rate, the greater the initial increase.

Experts believe that the obesity standard of Asians should be that the body mass index is normal at 18.5-22.9, that the body mass index is greater than 23 for overweight, and that the body mass index is greater than 30 for obesity. China obesity standard: China experts believe that although China people belong to Asian race, the upper limit of the normal range of body mass index should be lower than the Asian standard. Some experts suggest that the best value of China people's body mass index should be 20-22, with a body mass index greater than 22.6 as overweight and a body mass index greater than 30 as obesity.

Body mass index value:

Body mass index was originally designed as a statistical tool for public health research. When we need to know whether obesity is the cause of the disease, we can convert the patient's height and weight into body mass index, and then find out whether there is a linear correlation between this value and the incidence. However, with the development of science and technology, the current body mass index value is only a reference value. In order to truly measure whether a patient is obese, it is necessary to measure the patient's impedance by micro-electricity, so as to infer the patient's fat thickness. Therefore, the role of body mass index has gradually changed, from medical use to mass weight loss index.

Adult body mass index value:

Too light: less than 18.5

Normal: 18.5-24.99

Overweight: 25-28 years old

Obesity: 28-32 years old

Very obese: over 32 years old

Experts point out that the ideal body mass index is 22.

Because of the error, the body mass index can only be used as one of many standards to evaluate the individual's weight and health status. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) advises doctors to refer to the following three factors to assess whether a patient is overweight.

Body mass index? Waist circumference-measures the risk factors of abdominal fat and obesity-related diseases, such as hypertension, high LDL ("malignant") cholesterol, low HDL ("benign") cholesterol, hyperglycemia and smoking.