[Zi Tongzhi Sword Zhou Jiyi] Short Story 16: Wuqi was killed

For a long time, Wei Xianggong and his uncle Princess Shang Wei harmed Wuqi. Uncle's servant said, "It's easy to get up and walk. Since I am strong and complacent, my son said to you first:' Wuqi is a saint, but your country is small, I'm afraid I don't pay attention to it. Why don't you try to stall with a woman? Quit if you don't pay attention. "The son humiliated the princess because of her return. For the sake of the princess's cheap son, she must resign, and then the son is right. "Uncle from it, princess Wu Qiguo. Wei Wuhou was skeptical, but didn't believe it. He was afraid of punishment and ran to the state of Chu.

The king of Chu mourned for the sages, even for them. From the Ming dynasty, it was necessary to issue a trial order, donate officials who were not in a hurry, and abolish officials who alienated the people to support those who fought. In Qiang Bing, we should break the lobbying discourse. So Nanping Baiyue, North Sanjin, West Cutting Qin, governors all suffered from the prosperity of Chu, and the nobles of Chu complained more about Wu Qizhe.

Twenty-one years of King William (Gengzi, 38 BC1year)

When Chu mourned the death, the ministers made an insurrection, attacked Wuqi, and went to the monarch to die. The attacker was stabbed by a bullet and killed by the king. When he was buried, Wang Su succeeded to the throne. Those who let you mess things up have established more than 70 barbarian families.

After a long time, the prime minister and uncle of Wei married the princess of Wei and wanted to harm Wuqi. Uncle and servant said, "Wu Qi is easy to remove." Wuqi is resolute and straightforward, with strong self-confidence. You tell the king first that Wuqi is a talented person, and the king is elementary school. I'm afraid Wuqi didn't mean to stay. Why didn't the king test him and marry his daughter? If Wuqi hadn't stayed in Wei's heart, he would have refused. If you go home with Wuqi again, the princess will insult you. When Wuqi saw that the princess looked down on you so much, she would definitely decline when the king asked him to be his husband. That was just your trick. "Uncle listened to this advice, Wuqi really refused to marry the princess. Wei Wuhou therefore suspected Wuqi and didn't trust him. Afraid of being killed, Wu Qi defected to the State of Chu.

King Chu Mourn also heard of Wuqi's talent at ordinary times. After Wu went to Chu, he was appointed Prime Minister. Wuqi promulgated laws and regulations, implemented them, abolished unimportant official positions, and abolished distant relatives, princes and nobles, in order to raise soldiers who could fight, with the aim of strengthening the army and breaking the lobbying words of strategists. Therefore, Chu pacified North Vietnam in the south and crusaded against Qin in the west. The vassal States were worried that the State of Chu would become powerful, but many Chu nobles were disgusted with Wuqi.

In 38 1 year BC, the king of Chu died, and the nobles rebelled and besieged Wuqi. Wuqi ran to the place where the body of the king of Chu was parked. The man who attacked Wuqi shot an arrow and was also killed by the body of the king of Chu. After King Chu was buried, King Su ascended the throne and ordered Yin to kill all the traitors. More than 70 people were executed because of this incident.

Shang, advocating marriage, especially marrying a princess.

Shit, the voice is hé. Why not?

Delay, introduction, welcome, invitation.

Affirm the law and enforce it.

Donate, remove.

An official who is not in a hurry refers to an unimportant official.

A clan member, vassal, or king.

Alienation refers to relationships, feelings are not close, and indifference.

Wuqi is not only an outstanding strategist, but also an excellent politician. However, such people are still no match for the slander of villains. Of course, Wei Wuhou's lack of Wei Wenhou's boldness of vision and understanding of the world is also an important reason. Wu Qi went to Wei Benchu, indicating that Wei was going downhill.

Wuqi violated the interests of princes and nobles in Qiang Bing, a rich country in Chu. Finally, after the death of King Chu, Wuqi's patron, Wuqi was killed. Chu also destroyed the Great Wall and burned the reform achievements of Wuqi.

Wuqi, a generation of famous soldiers, ended in tragedy.