Fortunately, your nutritional supplements and exercise habits can help you keep your bones healthy and maximize the strength of your bones. So you need a correct nutritional supplement and training plan.
Your bone is alive, and it has been undergoing a process of continuous remodeling, which is based on the loss and addition of bone tissue. If you can get enough nutritional supplements and exercise, your body will continue to supplement more bone elements throughout your childhood until you are 30 years old.
However, at this age, bones begin to change to a relatively negative state, but lifestyle and nutritional choices can help support your bone density and strength and keep healthy.
99.5% of calcium in the body is stored in your bones, and calcium plays an indispensable role in optimizing the strength and formation of bones. For the sake of health, scientific research shows that women should consume at least 1200mg of calcium every day. Foods rich in calcium include dairy products, cabbage and bean products. If you don't eat enough of these foods every day, you can also consider directly supplementing calcium to achieve your daily goals. Weight-bearing training can further improve your bone strength and keep it that way. This is because resistance training directly exerts pressure on bones, and in order to adapt to this pressure, the body has increased cells responsible for strengthening bones, so bone density can be well maintained or even enhanced.