English words in the first volume of the seventh grade

New goal:

Word (phrase) phonetic symbol part of speech Chinese

A/E, ei/art. One (only, put, set ...)

A little bit; 1?o'clock

One set /E set of Ev/a sets; a set

About /E5baJt/prep. About; about ...

Action film /5 akfen 5mu:vI/ action film

Actor /5akte (r)/n

Address of communication office; address

After/after 5/,/5B: full-time equivalent/preparation. & ampConj。 After ... ...

Affordable; Affordable

Afternoon /7 after5nu: n/,/7b: fte5nu: n/n. Afternoon; afternoon

Age; Age; age

Alarm clock /E5lBr)m E5klCk/ alarm clock

All/C:l/pron。 All; all

Also//5c: lsej/adv Also; Also; and



America /E5 merike/ USA; United States of America

An/an/art. (before vowel) a (only, ba, tai ...)

And/or /conj. And; Again; and

Answer /5anser/,/5b: NSE/n. Answer; Reply; answer

Any/5enI/pron。 Anything (or things)

Anyone. Anyone.


April 5(th)


isn't it?

About, about

Around/E6 rajnd/adv. Everywhere; nearby

Art/b: t (r)/n. Art; Fine arts; work of art

Ask/ask/,/b:sk/v . Ask; ask

In/in/getting ready. In (in or near); At (the hour); along with

August/5th: September/Sunday

Aunt/ant/,/b: nt/n. Aunt; Auntie; Auntie; Auntie; Mother's brother's wife


Bag; Bag; Bag; pocket

Ball/BC: l/n.

Bananas; banana


Baseball; baseball

Basketball; basketball

Basketball game

Racket (tennis, table tennis, etc.)

Be/bi:/v. Yes (indicating existence, state, etc. )

Because /bI5kC:z/,/bI5kCz/conj. because


Before /bI5fC:(r)/prep. earlier times ...

Beijing opera Beijing opera

Best/best/adjective & the highest point of the best (ground)

Big/big/adjective & Big; Vast; important

Biology; biology

Birth /b \: (r) w/n birth; Born; be born

Birthday /5b \: (r) wdei/n

Black/black/adj&; Black (black)


Blue/blu:/adj&; blue

Book /bjk/n

Bookcase/5bjk7keis/n. bookcase; bookshelf

boring/5bc:rin/adj . boring; wearisome

Boy /BCI/n

Breakfast /5 breakfasts /n

Take it; bring

Broccoli /5brb: kli/,/5brckli/n.

Brother/5 brqte (r)/n. Brother; younger brother



Busy/5bizi/adj. Busy; Busy; busy

But /bQt/conj. but

Buy/Bai/v. purchase; buy

Call/KC: l/v.

can/Kan/modal v . can; Yes; can


Card//kb: (r) d/n/n. card; Card; poker cards

Carrots /5 carret/carrots

Box/keis/n.box; Box; cabinet

CD/7si:5di:/abbr .(= CD)



Chicken; Chicken; Chicken (as food)

China /5 France/China

Chinese/7tfai5ni: z/n.chinese; Chinese

Chinese/7tfai5ni: z/adj.china; Chinese

City /5siti/n

Class/klas/,/klb:s/n . class; Class (a class)

Shop assistant /KL \: rk/,/klb: k/n. (Banks, offices, shops, etc. ) staff; police officer

Clock; clock

Clothes; Clothes. ) clothes; Dress

Clubs/klqb/n. societies; club

Collection/ke5lekfen/n. collection; collect

Color/5 qle (r)/n.

Come; reach

Comedy; comedy

computer/kem5p ju:te(r)/n . computer; electronic computer

Computer games Electronic games

Contest/5kb: ntest/,/5ktest/n. Competition; Competition; match

Conversation/7kb: nve5seifen/,/7k nve 5 seifen/n . Conversation; discuss

Countable noun

Cousin/5 kqzen/n. Cousin (Cousin); Cousin (cousin)

Cream/kri: m/n. cream; butterfat

Dad/dad /n (informal) dad

Dance/dances/,/db:ns/v . Dance; dance


Daughter/5dc: te (r)/n.

Day/day/n.day; During the day; During the day; sky


1February 5

description/di5s criptfen/n . description; narrate

Desk/desk/desk; school desk

Dessert//di5z \: (r) t/n/n. (dessert)

Dictionary/5 diktfeneri/,/5 diktfeneri/n . dictionary; dictionary


Dinner/dinner/dinner; dinner

do/du:/v & amp; Auxiliary. (the auxiliary verbs that make up negative sentences and interrogative sentences are meaningless) do; Drying; behaviour

Do your homework.

documentary letter of credit

does/dQz/v . & amp; Auxiliary. (the third person singular of the verb do) (the auxiliary verb that constitutes a negative sentence or question is meaningless) do; Drying; behaviour

hear nothing of

Dog /DCG/n

USD /5dB: ler/,/5dcle/N. Yuan (the monetary unit of the United States, Canada and other countries, with the symbol of USD).



Drawer/5drc: (r)/n。

Dresser/5 drese(r)/n . Dresser; Kitchen cupboard

Drum /drqm/n

Each/i:tF/pron。 each

Eat/Me: TV.

Eggs; Eggs (of hens)

VIII /EIT/num.viii

8/7 E5 iti:n/num . XVIII

Eighth /7E5iti: NW/num. eighteenth

Eighth /eIW/num. eighth

Eleven /i5 even number /num. The14th letter of the Greek alphabet.

Eleventh /i5. eleventh

E-mail; e-mail

English /5 inglf/n. English; English

Eraser /i5reizer/,/i5reize/n. pencil eraser; blackboard eraser

Evening/5i:vnin/n . Evening; Dusk; evening

Every/5evri/adj. each; each

Example /ig5 zampel/,/ig5zb: mpel/n. Example; example

Exciting; Exciting; heart-stirring

Excuse/ik5skju: z/v/v. forgive; excuse

Excuse me, please forgive me (polite language, habit of talking to strangers, interrupting others, etc. )

Family /5 Fameli/N.Home; domestic

Surname surname

Father/5fb: te (r)/n. Dad; father

Favorite. Favorite (thing)

February 5(th)

Music, ballet, drama, etc. ); festival

Fifteen/7551: Number fifteen.

50th/7th fift5ti: NW/num 15th

The fifth/fifth/fifth. fifth

Looking for; Discover; seek

First/second: first/second. first

The first word of a western name

Five/failures/figures. Verb (abbreviation of verb)

Floor/FLC: (r)/n. floor; ground

Food/happiness: d/n.

For/fC:(r)/prep。 (indicating purpose or reason) for the sake of

Found/fajnd/adj. (past tense and past participle of find)

Four /fC:(r)/num.

14/7fC:(r)5ti:n/num。 fourteenth

Fourth /fC:(r)W/num. Fourth.

French fries /5 French F 5 Fraiz/(= French fried potatoes) fried potatoes; French fries

Friday /5 fraidi/n


From/frB:m /,/frCm/prep。 From; from ...

Fruit /fru: fruit

Fun/fqn/adj. (mouth) interesting; happy

Funny/5fqni/adj. Interesting; delight

Furniture; Furniture; furniture

Game/geim/n. sports; match


Get up, get up

Girl /g \: (r) l/n


Go home, go home.

Go to the cinema.

Go to bed.

Go to school. Go to school.

Go to work go to work.

good/gjd/adj . good; satisfactory

Grandfather/5 grand7fb: te (r)/n. Grandfather; Grandfather (mother's)

Grandmother/5 grand 7 mqte (r)/n. Grandmother; (paternal) grandmother

Grandparents/grandparents/grandparents; Grandfather (mother); Grandfather (mother)

Great/wonderful/wonderful; great

Green/gri: n/adj&; Green (of)

Guitar/gi5tb: (r)/n.

Hamburgers, hamburgers.

Happy; Pleasant; Happy; approving

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!

Has/HAZ/V. (the third person singular form of have) has; Eat; drink

Hat; Hat.


Eat; drink

Take a look; cast a glance at

He/hi: /pron.

Healthy; Healthy; graceless

Hello/hE5lEJ/int。 (Greetings) Hello

Help/help/v. Ask for help; help

Her/h\:(r)/pron。 she

Here /hir/,/HIE/adv. Here; here

Here you are. Here you are

he is

Hi/hi /int. (Greetings or greetings) Hi.

His/hIz/pron。 his

History; History.

Hobbies /5hb: bi/, 5hcbi/n. Hobbies; Favorite topic

Family/family/senior family

Homework//5 hejmw \: (r) k/n/n. Homework; homework

Hotel /hej5tel/n

Hour /5ajr/,/5aje/n.hour.

How/Haj/adv. (refers to the degree); What! how

How much is more?

How old you are; how old

I/aI/pron。 I


Ice cream ice cream

identity card

I am

In/in/in preparation. Use (to indicate methods, media, tools, etc. )

In/in/in preparation. In ... ...

Interesting; Interesting. interesting

Yes/iz/v. Yes.


It/It/pron。 it

this is

1 month/5th, Vangeri/5th, Vangeri /n. 1 month; The first month of the lunar year

Job/dvb: b/,/dvcb/n . Work; Odd jobs; Location; location

Join, join

July /dvj5l ai/n

June/dvu: n/n。


Children; young people

Kind-hearted; Kindness.

know/nej/v . know; Understand; understand

Kung Fu/China Kung Fu

I'll send you the rest later

Text supplement

Last/last/,/lb:ST/adj . Last; The last one

Surname surname

Learn/l \: (r) n/v) n/v. Learning; study

Let/let/v. allow; let

let us

Letter /5l ete (r)/n

Life; Life; Life.


List; Enumerate; List.

Listen /5 Li Sen /v

A little; a small quantity of

Long/LC: n/,/lcn/adj. Long

look/ljk/v . look; Hope; seemingly

Look/ljk/n. look; stare

Lost/LC: ST/,/LCST/adj . Lost; lose

Lost and found lost and found.

Lot/lb: t/,/LCT/n . Many; many

Many, many; many

Love/lqv/v. love; like

Lunch /lqntf/n

A lot.

March /MB: (r) TF/n



May/mei/modal v. possible; can

I/I: /pron. I (objective)

meet/mi:t/v . meet; encounter

Miss/Miss/Miss (maiden name or title)

(informal) mother

Monday/May 5


More/mC:(r)/pron。 More; larger

Morning//5mc: (r) nin/n/n. Morning; (early) morning

mother/5mq te(r)/n . Mom; mother

Movie/5mu: VI/n.

Mr/5mIstE(r)/Mr (title before man's surname or first name)

Ma 'am /5 mils/Ma 'am; Wife (title before the surname or first name of a married woman)

Music/5mju: zik/n.

Musician; musician

Mine/mine/mine. my


the name is...

Need/ni: d/v.

New/nu:/,/nju:/adj. New

next/Nekst/adv . Then; (music indication) immediately following (meaning to start the next movement immediately without interruption)

nice/nais/adj . ok; happy

Night time

Nine /naIn/num. nine

Nineteen/seven Nain 5 Ti: n/num.XIX

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