The best way is to change the color of the wallpaper and try to choose some light-colored wallpaper, because light-colored wallpaper will make your house very bright when the sun shines in, and if it is black wallpaper, it will feel a little dull in the morning or at night. But when choosing light wallpaper, don't choose too obvious color, because the sunlight will be more dazzling, but the wall color should not be too white. It is recommended to choose light pink or light yellow and light green.
Another way is to change the shape of the ceiling lamp at home, such as a smaller one. If it's cold, take up a small space. It is suggested to choose some bigger ceiling lamps, which will make more places shine and make the house brighter. And some large ceiling lamps on the market are very beautiful, which can make your lighting environment look higher and more elegant. If you want to choose a healthier lighting environment, you can choose to buy a yellow lamp with the same color as the lamp, or buy a lamp with adjustable white, yellow and dark colors.
In addition to fiddling with this aspect, you can also fiddle with the layout of your home and try not to make it crowded. In this case, your house will look bigger, and the lampshade will be brighter when you come down.