What are the items of male physical examination?

Experts from the Health Management Center of Tianjin Huaxia Hospital divide the direction of male physical examination into three categories:

1. Vital sign examination: height, weight, blood pressure, respiratory rate, heartbeat and other physical appearance and general examination.

2. structural examination of organs: such as chest and abdomen x-ray, upper digestive tract photography and ultrasound.

3. Organ function examination: such as blood examination, urine examination, electrocardiogram, hearing, vision and lung function examination.

From these three directions, we can identify whether there are potential diseases in the health of the subjects, so as to find and treat them early and reduce the probability of disease aggravation.

What are the general physical examinations for men?

The items that should not be ignored in male general physical examination are:

Eye examination

Men with diabetes, hypertension or family history of eye diseases must have their eyes examined at least once a year. When examining eyes, doctors will examine glaucoma (increased intraocular pressure leads to decreased vision), macular degeneration (retinal degeneration) and cataract (blurred lens).

Dental examination

Dentists should check the age of teeth, the health of gums, tongue and mouth, and whether there is oral cancer at least once a year. Smokers and people who chew tobacco should be examined more often.

Measure blood pressure

If you are over 50 years old, you should have an annual check-up. If you have a family history of high blood pressure, heart disease or sudden heart attack, or if you are diabetic or overweight, you should also have an annual check-up.

Cholesterol test

Blood tests can check cholesterol levels and help you assess the risk of coronary heart disease. You should have an annual check-up from the age of 20. If your cholesterol level is higher than normal (reading between 80/50 and 130/85 is considered normal) or your family has a history of coronary heart disease, you should ask your doctor if more frequent tests are needed.

Colon examination

Physical examination mainly begins at the age of 50. If the result is normal, it is usually checked once every 3 to 5 years. If you have a family history of polyps, colon cancer and ulcerative colitis, you should check more.

examination of prostate

Prostate specific antigen test (PSA) measures a series of protein hidden in blood. If the test result is higher than the normal level, it may indicate that there is cancer in the body.

Testicular examination

Experts suggest checking the testicles for abnormal changes or growth every month, but this cannot replace the professional examination of doctors. The earlier testicular cancer is diagnosed, the easier it is to cure. Men between the ages of 15 and 35 should have a testicular examination at least every 2 to 3 years. Doctors sometimes don't do this test automatically. If there is no such item in the physical examination, you should ask yourself.

General physical examination urinary system examination

Male urinary system is prone to inflammation, and early diagnosis and treatment have great influence on prognosis, so regular physical examination should be carried out.