Therapeutic advantages of maggot therapy

Medical maggots refer to the larvae of a special kind of flies (Lucilia sericata). Medical maggots can clean wounds quickly and well. Clinical research by Professor Wang Jiangning from Capital Medical University and Dr. Wang Aiping from 454 Hospital proves that this therapy can remove the carrion from the wound more effectively than traditional methods, and accelerate the healing of ulcer wounds, thus avoiding amputation of patients due to limb ulceration. Maggot therapy has certain advantages in treating diabetes, foot ulcers and skin ulcers.

Maggots don't eat the healthy tissues around the wound, but only attack the necrotic tissues on the surface of the wound, without affecting the normal tissues around, which can promote the formation of granulation tissue.

It can also enter deep wounds that are difficult to reach in surgery. Their excrement after eating carrion contains bactericidal salt, as well as antibiotics and substances that help patients heal ulcer wounds, such as improving immunity.