What is the difference between colon cancer and colon ulcer from postoperative pathological report?

Cancer reports cancer.

Ulcer is a non-granulomatous inflammation.

Ulcer pathology

Active phase and remission phase have different manifestations:


active stage

① Diffuse and chronic inflammatory cells, neutrophils and eosinophils infiltrated in intima;

② Acute inflammatory cell infiltration in crypt, especially neutrophil infiltration between epithelial cells, cryptitis,

Even form a crypt abscess, which can break into the lamina propria;

③ Epithelial hyperplasia of crypt,

Goblet cells decreased;

④ mucosal surface erosion can be seen,

Ulcer formation,

Granulation tissue hyperplasia.

2. Remission period

① Neutrophils disappeared and chronic inflammatory cells decreased;

② The size and shape of the depression are irregular,


Disorder. ③ The gap between glandular epithelium and muscularis mucosa is enlarged;

④ Paneth cell metaplasia.

Pathological examination, naked eye and histology of surgical specimens can reveal the above characteristics of ulcerative colitis.