Bone is the pillar of the body, pelvis is the center of the bone, and spine controls the flexibility of the body. Seen from the side, the spine should be "S"-shaped. When the pelvis, spine and other skeletal joints of the body are disordered and deformed, various functions of the body will drop sharply. For example, when you hunch over, the muscles in your stomach will relax and a small belly will appear. Excessive bending of the spine will also make more and more abdominal fat, and it will also cause the consequences of low back pain.
Therefore, the bones of the body, especially the pelvis and spine, are very important to us. Paying attention to the health of bones and joints and correcting skewed bones will make exercise lose weight with half the effort.
First of all, you can simply confirm whether you have crooked bones.
1, the heel is easy to wear (most likely pelvis and joints are skewed).
2. If you don't pay attention to the midline of the skirt, it will lean to one side (probably the pelvis is skewed).
3. The shoulders are high and low (probably the scapula and pelvis are skewed).
4. When sitting, it is difficult to open your knees (probably the pelvis and joints are skewed).