How long can Apple 12pro battery life 82 last?

Second-hand apple 12pro256 battery capacity 82. How long it lasts depends on your habits. Generally, charging once a day can last for several months.

Minutes. Apple 12Promax According to the regulations issued by the operator, the power must be charged every minute. In order to facilitate the user to use the mobile phone, the design power is several minutes, so the battery can be used for 80 minutes when it is still 80 minutes.

A few years. If only 80%-85% of the Apple batteries are not damaged, then the service life is 2 years.

One year. The health of Apple battery is 80%, which means that the battery capacity is still 80%, and the capacity has been lost by 20%. The battery of iphone 12 can be used for about one year, and the battery of mobile phone has a cycle life. The longer it is used, the lower the health of the battery.

Because the Apple 12 you bought has two mobile phones, two mobile phones, which means someone else uses the mobile phone. Others have used it for a while, and 90% of the batteries are normal, and the efficiency of 90% batteries is also excellent among the two mobile phones.