2 1 day weight loss training camp

There are babies in our weight-loss training camp who want me to list the recipes of the day as a reference and give you some examples.

Breakfast: a boiled egg, two pieces of whole wheat bread and a cup of peanut soybean milk.

Breakfast in the morning: an apple.

Chinese food: miscellaneous grains rice 100g, fried pork slices with broccoli 120g, beef balls 80g, mushrooms and cabbage 100g.


A slice of whole wheat bread and a cup of low-fat yogurt.

Dinner: 250g vegetable salad, chicken breast pill 100g, and a cup of skim milk.

Breakfast: boiled corn (medium), one boiled egg and one cup of miscellaneous grains soybean milk.

Meal in the morning: three walnuts and a kiwi.

Chinese food: brown rice 100g, baby cabbage in soup 150g, fried meat with green pepper 150g.


A cup of low-fat yogurt

Dinner: 250g vegetable salad, beef balls 100g, and a glass of low-fat milk.

One-day recipe photo example:

Breakfast: three fresh stuffing jiaozi 120g, grape 30g, kumquat 14g, fried mugwort leaf 100g, shrimp 30g, miscellaneous grains soybean milk 200g.

Meal in the morning: 250g skim milk.

Chinese food: 50 grams of fried carrots, 60 grams of boiled bamboo shoots, 70 grams of boiled broccoli, 50 grams of fried vegetables, 50 grams of dry-cut beef, boiled eggs 1 piece, and 75 grams of purple potatoes.

Lunch: a slice of whole wheat bread, kiwi fruit 100g.

Dinner: Roasted chicken breast and vegetable salad (roasted chicken breast in oven): chicken breast 100g, vegetables 250g.

The photos of three meals are for reference only. I suggest you arrange your daily diet according to your eating habits and conditions.