Excuse me, do all factories (general workers) in Shenzhen need physical examination? What companies are there in Shenzhen (such as Baoan District)?

It doesn't have to be like this. Some factories need some factories, so they won't.

But there's no harm in getting one. Just have a physical examination.

Jiankangka mainly tests two and a half livers.

For example, Johnson Electric in Shenzhen Shajing needs his health certificate, but his liver must have two halves.

Instead of checking your health, I ask you to apply for a health certificate at a designated unit or hospital.

It is best to get it early in the morning and go in the afternoon. You should take some blood for a test!

The sanitation there is not good, and people who want to have a physical examination are mainly afraid of infectious diseases.

Many people don't need a health certificate,