Emperor of all gods: The Jade Emperor is the God of Heaven, the king of immortals, the Lord of holy gods, and the supreme god of three gods and three immortals. The jade emperor has the power to command nine-day classes and recruit the gods of the four seas and five mountains. All the gods were present, just like the emperors and ministers in the world. Bai Juyi said in a poem: "I admire my family, and I wait on them like a public official." Pay tribute to the Jade Emperor and be sincere before kowtowing. "
Always uphold heaven: the Jade Emperor is the embodiment of Sanqing. Sanqing and the Jade Emperor are like nothingness before splendor, infinity before Tai Chi, inaction before action. Therefore, the Jade Emperor is the master of three talents and holds the balance between heaven and earth. The Jade Emperor sent Wei Zi North Pole Emperor to take charge of the latitude and longitude of heaven and earth, and Gou Chen Shanggong Emperor to take charge of the three talents of heaven and earth, and the soldiers rotated among the masters. After the distribution, the local tyrant was only in charge of the fertility of Yin and Yang and the mountains and rivers of the earth. Everything in heaven and earth, everything in yin and yang, is in the hands of the jade emperor.
Sacrifice: The Jade Emperor's birthday is the ninth day of the first month. Taoist Temple will hold Jin Dian, which is called "Jade Emperor's Meeting". Taoists and Taoists attending the ceremony should worship the Jade Emperor and give gifts of "fasting to heaven" to pray for a long life. People in Fujian and Taiwan Province provinces call the Jade Emperor "God". On the ninth day of the first month, people, old and young, fast, bathe, burn incense, worship and chant Buddhist scriptures. In some places, they even sing operas to entertain the gods. In the north of China, there used to be a custom to patrol the village and the street with the jade emperor's sacrifice in hand and the jade emperor's statue on his back. It is said that1February 25th is the day when the Jade Emperor came to earth. In the past, Taoist temples and people had to burn incense and recite scriptures to welcome the Jade Emperor.
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