First, how to cook is more nutritious. When cooking normally, you must know how to cook correctly. Therefore, when cooking in general, we may choose the step of washing first and then cutting, so as to retain some nutrients in vegetables to the maximum extent. At this time, you will find that we have just washed the vegetables and then cut them. At this time, there may be more nutrition, but after you cut it, you may find that some nutrients in the vegetables have been washed away by us, and some bacteria may enter the vegetables, which is not conducive to human health.
And don't cut vegetables too small and too thin, because we know that the temperature is very high when cooking, so cutting them too thin may lose some nutrients in vegetables, so when cutting vegetables, you must remember not to cut them too thin, because the vegetables you eat at this time will be more nutritious. Moreover, when we usually cook, we must remember a principle, that is, cut and cook now, and don't cut the dish for overnight use, so that some bacteria will grow inside, some nutrients may be lost, and its water will also be lost.
Second, to make healthy and nutritious dishes, you must know that the greater the contact area between vegetables and air, the faster its water evaporates. These little physical knowledge must be understood. Moreover, when we usually cook, we must know how to control the cooking time and the cooking oil temperature, so these should be appropriate, and this dish will be nutritious. You know, if you blanch for too long, the vitamins in it may be lost, and the oil temperature of our cooking is usually too high, and its nutrition will be lost faster, so in order to eat a delicious and nutritious dish, you must pay attention to your cooking methods.