Can Jin Shu Jian Yao Pill and Collagen Powder be eaten together?

It's best not to eat together.

First, the human body can make collagen by itself. Secondly, the beauty of skin depends not only on collagen, but also on the help of various nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B, vitamin E, zinc and iron, as well as good blood circulation and appropriate hormone levels. Eating collagen can only increase the supply of amino acids at most, but it can't solve other nutritional deficiencies, nor can it improve metabolic disorders such as blood circulation.

Look around at those people with rosy faces and delicate skin. How many of them eat collagen? People who don't eat collagen, even those who are completely vegetarian, are rough and dark? Humans have the ability to synthesize collagen from their own skin. Is it necessary to rely on pig skin, donkey skin and chicken skin with large pores?

With the help of vitamin C, protein and other nutrients are sufficient, blood circulation is good, and hormone balance is normal, so it is not difficult for the human body to make some collagen by itself. What we need to consider is whether our hemoglobin is sufficient, whether the blood circulation is good, whether vitamins and protein are insufficient, whether the hormone balance is good, and so on. If these problems are not solved, the skin of other animals will not be as beautiful as before. Women who are keen on eating Ejiao beauty will certainly not believe it. This is because the donkey skin runs on a woman's face. In the final analysis, beauty is achieved by improving physical function.

Even if collagen makes the skin tender, it will not increase the ruddy degree of the skin if the anemia problem is not solved; If muscle strength has not changed, the problem of facial drooping is difficult to solve; If the blood circulation is not improved, it is difficult to improve the healthy luster of the face from the inside out.

Therefore, as long as the body is healthy, the skin will naturally be elastic and shiny, and there is no need to take collagen supplements. If you are not so confident, as a psychological comfort, or as compensation for protein and vitamin C deficiency, it is harmless to eat some collagen products, but you don't have to expect too much, let alone be superstitious about health care products. Pigskin and chicken skin are worthless, and the high price of collagen supplements is nothing more than profiteering. The so-called statement that collagen in food can't be digested by human gastrointestinal tract, and that it is necessary to eat "collagen hydrolysate" is somewhat suspected of commercial flicker.

Many people find that after eating collagen beauty products, the skin condition can be obviously improved, but at the same time, there are also side effects of mammary gland hyperplasia, which may not be the effect of collagen hydrolysate itself, but may have another mystery. For example, estrogen can obviously improve the water retention and elasticity of women's skin, but too much estrogen can also promote breast hyperplasia and breast cancer at the same time.