Rumors! "Homocysteine", how high? Is it 10 or 15?

Homocysteine, now more and more hypertensive patients and the public concern, can be said to be highly concerned. Homocysteine in blood is actually a sulfur-containing amino acid, which is an important intermediate produced during the metabolism of methionine and cysteine. Under normal physiological conditions, homocysteine in blood will be catabolized in human body, which will generally be converted into two substances beneficial to human body-glutathione (antioxidant) and S- adenosylmethionine (beneficial to brain and body). Its concentration will also be maintained at a low level. However, in daily life, due to primary and secondary reasons, the abnormal metabolism of homocysteine in blood will be affected, which will lead to the accumulation of homocysteine in blood, and then increase its concentration. # Breeze Project # The homocysteine mentioned here is elevated. When it encounters high blood pressure, it starts to collude. He is my brother, and their combination is called H-type hypertension. The biggest bad thing they do together is to increase the probability of "stroke". 1. How harmful is homocysteine? The guideline for prevention and treatment of hypertension in China 20 10 defines the increase of homocysteine ≥ 10μmol/l as an important risk factor for cardiovascular prognosis in patients with hypertension. Homocysteine associations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland also believe that if the blood homocysteine is higher than 10μmol/l, it can be considered that the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events begins to increase. Of course, many studies and knowledge believe that the increase of homocysteine ≥ 15μmol/l can be defined as the diagnostic standard of H-type hypertension. These studies suggest that once the blood homocysteine exceeds 15μmol/l, it is a risk factor to increase the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. 2. What should I do if homocysteine rises between 10- 15μmol/l? There is a lot of evidence that if folic acid is given to hypertensive patients with homocysteine between 10 ~ 15, compared with simply lowering blood pressure, it can further significantly reduce the risk of stroke. Because if we blindly take homocysteine ≥ 15μmol/l as the starting point when facing a large number of high-risk groups with high incidence of stroke in China, then nearly half of hypertensive patients in China have homocysteine between 10 ~ 15 μm ol/L, what should they do? They may lose the opportunity to further supplement folic acid and reduce the incidence of stroke. Therefore, Dr. Zhang personally thinks that it is beneficial for people whose blood homocysteine is between 10 ~ 15 μm ol/L to eat more foods rich in folic acid, such as fruits and vegetables, nuts and bean products, if they do not want to eat folic acid tablets. At the same time, these people should also pay attention to monitoring the concentration of homocysteine in blood. Once it is higher than 15μmol/l, they can start oral folic acid treatment. The above is dr. zhang's personal understanding of this issue, hoping to help friends who care about this issue in front of mobile phones. I hope my introduction is helpful to you. For more health information, go to "Today's Headlines" to pay attention to Dr. Zhang Zhiying. To learn more about popular science, please click "Learn more" about hypertension below. Disclaimer: The above content comes from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author. If there is any infringement of your original copyright, please let us know and we will delete the relevant content as soon as possible.