Do you need to look at the food nutrition comparison table to lose weight?

To lose weight, it is a very important skill to learn to check the nutritional composition table of food. When looking at the nutrition comparison table, we need to pay attention to two items, namely, nutritional composition and nutrient reference values (NRV).

I. Nutritional components

According to relevant regulations, the nutritional composition list of food should include at least five items: energy, protein, fat, carbohydrate (sugar) and sodium. Other nutrients can also be labeled after these five items. That is, 4+ 1 mode.

Next, specify:

1 and energy

This nutrient directly tells us the value of energy intake, and people who want to lose weight need to pay special attention to this value. For a woman in fitness, the total calorie intake per day is suggested to be around 1200 calories; Men are generally around 1500 calories.

2. protein

Protein is an essential substance for human body, and low protein means no nutrition.

3. Fat

If you want to control your weight, try to choose foods with low fat content.

4. carbohydrates

Reducing carbohydrate intake helps to lose weight.

5. Sodium

Healthy eating habits should be low in sodium and sugar. Generally speaking, candied fruit, instant noodles, pickled mustard tuber and other foods are foods with high sodium content. If you want to buy, please choose products with relatively low sodium content.

Second, the nutritional reference value (NRV)

NRV% in the composition table refers to the percentage of energy or nutrient content in the corresponding nutrient reference values, which can be used as a "yardstick" to measure nutrition.

Take100g of a chocolate sandwich as an example, the corresponding NRV% is 26%, that is, eating100g of chocolate sandwich is equivalent to eating 26% of the total energy in one day.

If you eat 400 grams of this chocolate, plus three meals of food, the total calories in a day will far exceed the standard, so it's strange not to be obese.

Knowing the above information, we need to pay special attention to the data of nutrient composition table when overbought, which is of great reference value for us to control our diet.